710 / 710
- Gert Aarts
- Gert Aarts
- Abdou Abdel-Rehim
- Abdou Abdel-Rehim
- David Adams
- Andria Agadjanov
- Oscar Akerlund
Constantia Alexandrou
- Author in Axial and tensor charges of baryons using twisted mass fermions
- Author in Extraction of the isovector magnetic form factor of the nucleon at zero momentum
- Author in Nucleon electromagnetic form factors from twisted mass lattice QCD
- Co-author in Baryon spectrum with Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions
- Co-author in Investigation of the tetraquark candidate a_0(980): preliminary results
- Co-author in Investigation of the tetraquark candidate a_0(980): technical aspects.
- Co-author in Results on the disconnected contributions for hadron structure
Andrei Alexandru
- Co-author in Deconfinement, Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Chiral Polarization
- Co-author in Electric polarizability of neutral hadrons from dynamical lattice QCD ensembles
- Co-author in Perturbative reweighting, dilution, and low mode substitution for sea quark contribution to the neutron polarizability
- Chris Allton
- Alessandro Amato
- Zbigniew Ambrozinski
- Yasumichi Aoki
Sinya Aoki
- Author in Pion masses in 2-flavor QCD with $¥eta$ condensation
- Co-author in Fine lattice simulations with the Ginsparg-Wilson fermions
- Co-author in Lattice QCD code Bridge++ on multi-thread and many core accelerators
- Co-author in Topology density correlator on dynamical domain-wall ensembles with nearly frozen topological charge
- Tatsumi Aoyama
- Rudy Arthur
- Rudy Arthur
- Masayuki Asakawa
- Andreas Athenodorou
- Daniel August
- Venkitesh Ayyar
- Vicente Azcoiti
Matthias Bach
- Author in CL2QCD - Lattice QCD based on OpenCL
- Author in CL2QCD - Lattice QCD based on OpenCL
- Ziyuan Bai
- Jon Bailey
Gunnar Bali
- Author in Nucleon and pion structure in n_f=2 QCD
- Mari Carmen Banuls
- S. Basak
- Irais Bautista
- Irais Bautista
- Alexei Bazavov
- Alexei Bazavov
Bernd Berg
- Author in Status of the SU3 Lambda Scale
- Georg Bergner
- Georg Bergner
- Joshua Berlin
Claude Bernard
- Author in Charmed and strange pseudoscalar meson decay constants from HISQ simulations
- Author in Finite volume effects and the electromagnetic contributions to kaon and pion masses
- Co-author in Matrix elements for D-meson mixing from 2+1 lattice QCD
- Co-author in The charmonium states X(3872)(1++) and Zc(3900)(1+-) on HISQ lattices
- Veronique Bernard
- Tanmoy Bhattacharya
Yujiang Bi
- Co-author in Lattice study on diquark properties
- Lucini Biagio
- Wolfgang Bietenholz
- Benoit Blossier
- Thomas Blum
- Claudio Bonati
- Claudio Bonati
- Lorenzo Bongiovanni
- Artan Borici
- Oleg Borisenko
Szabolcs Borsanyi
- Author in Charmonium spectral functions from 2+1 flavour lattice QCD
- Author in Fluctuations of the electric charge in theory and experiment
- Author in QCD Thermodynamics With Continuum Extrapolated Wilson Fermions
- Author in Shear Viscosity from Lattice QCD
- Co-author in Recent results on the Equation of State of QCD
- Co-author in Search for the chiral phase transition in three flavor QCD at imaginary chemical potential
- Dan Boss
- Chris Bouchard
- Peter Boyle
Victor Braguta
- Author in Study of axial magnetic effect
- Co-author in Two-color QCD with chiral chemical potential
- Michele Brambilla
- Bastian Brandt
- Co-author in Chiral dynamics in the low-temperature phase of QCD
- James Brannick
Raul Briceno
- Author in Few-body physics
- Author in Two-Baryon Systems with Twisted Boundary Conditions
- Co-author in Multi-channel 1 to 2 matrix elements in finite volume
Richard Brower
- Author in Conformal Lattice Field Theory on Spherical Manifolds
- Co-author in Adaptive Multigrid Solvers for LQCD on GPUs
- Co-author in Application of Adaptive Multigrid Algorithm in Hybrid Monte Carlo Simulations
- Co-author in Targeting the Conformal Window: Determining the Running Coupling
- Co-author in Targeting the Conformal Window: Measuring the 0++ Scalar
- Nathan Brown
- Mattia Bruno
- Michael Buchoff
- Pavel Buividovich
John Bulava
- Author in Non-perturbative improvement of the axial current in N_f=3 lattice QCD
- Author in Non-perturbative renormalization of the axial current in N_f=3 lattice QCD
- Co-author in A dynamical study of the chirally rotated Schrödinger functional in QCD
- Co-author in Excited isovector mesons using the stochastic LapH method
- Co-author in Pion-pion scattering phase shifts with the stochastic LapH method
- Florian Burger
- Yannis Burnier
- Boye Buyens
- Kadir Utku Can
- Stefano Capitani
- Nuno Cardoso
- Nuria Carrasco
- Michele Caselle
Brendan Casey
- Author in FNAL E989 and g-2
Simon Catterall
- Author in Simulating N=4 Super Yang-Mills
- Co-author in Results from lattice studies of maximally supersymmetric Yang--Mills
- Co-author in The continuum limit of lattice N=4 super-Yang-Mills
- Marco Cè
- Paolo Cea
- Bipasha Chakraborty
- Alexander J. Chambers
- Shailesh Chandrasekharan
- Chia Cheng Chang
- Volodymyr Chelnokov
- Yu-Chih Chen
Ying Chen
- Co-author in Lattice study on diquark properties
Michael Cheng
- Co-author in Adaptive Multigrid Solvers for LQCD on GPUs
- Co-author in Conformal Lattice Field Theory on Spherical Manifolds
Maxim Chernodub
- Co-author in Study of axial magnetic effect
- Ting-Wai Chiu
- Yong-Gwi Cho
Norman Christ
- Author in Rare kaon decays from lattice QCD
- Alexander Christensen
Lang Christian
- Author in DK and D* K scattering near threshold
- Co-author in Baryon resonances coupled to Pion-Nucleon states in lattice QCD
- Co-author in Evidence for the charged charmonium-like state Zc+ from lattice QCD
- Co-author in Mesons upon low-lying Dirac mode exclusion
- Co-author in The dynamical QCD string
- Yen-Jen David Chu
- Yuree Chung
- Krzysztof Cichy
- J. Ignacio Cirac
- Mike Clark
- Saul Cohen
- Cristian Consonni
Martha Constantinou
- Author in Nucleon electromagnetic form factors from twisted mass lattice QCD
- Author in Perturbative and non-perturbative renormalization results of the Chromomagnetic Operator on the Lattice
- Co-author in Non-perturbative study of the chromagnetic operator on the lattice
- Co-author in Renormalization of Flavor Singlet and Nonsinglet Fermion Bilinear Operators
- Martha Constantinou
Martha Constantinou
- Author in Hadron Structure
- Co-author in Axial and tensor charges of baryons using twisted mass fermions
- Axel Cortes Cubero
- Leonardo Cosmai
Guido Cossu
- Author in Axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature with Mobius domain-wall fermions
- Co-author in Effects of near-zero Dirac eigenmodes on axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature
- Co-author in Fine lattice simulations with the Ginsparg-Wilson fermions
- Co-author in Nonperturbative renormalization of bilinear operators with Mobius domain-wall fermions in the coordinate space
- Co-author in Partial restoration of chiral symmetry inside hadrons
- Co-author in Topology density correlator on dynamical domain-wall ensembles with nearly frozen topological charge
- Marios Costa
- Michael Creutz
- Attilio Cucchieri
- Nigel Cundy
- Francesca Cuteri
- Christopher Czaban
- Mattia Dalla Brida
- Mattia Dalla Brida
Poul Damgaard
- Co-author in Simulating N=4 Super Yang-Mills
- Saumen Datta
Schaich David
- Co-author in Simulating N=4 Super Yang-Mills
- Christine Davies
- Zohreh Davoudi
Philippe de Forcrand
- Author in Gauge-invariant signature of spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking by the Hosotani mechanism
- Co-author in Phase diagram of QCD at finite isospin chemical potential with Wilson fermions
- Co-author in QCD with Wilson fermions and isospin chemical potential at finite and zero temperature
- Co-author in Towards exact worldline models of lattice gauge theory at finite density
- Co-author in Walking technicolor: testing infra-red conformality with exact results in two dimensions
- Thomas DeGrand
- Luigi Del Debbio
Ydalia Delgado
- Co-author in Overlap Quark Propagator in Coulomb Gauge QCD
- Ydalia Delgado Mercado
- Massimo D'Elia
- Massimo D'Elia
- Michele Della Morte
Mikhail Denissenya
- Author in Mesons upon low-lying Dirac mode exclusion
- Co-author in The dynamical QCD string
- Carleton DeTar
- William Detmold
- Jordy de Vries
- Giuseppe Di Carlo
- Adriano Di Giacomo
- Petros Dimopoulos
- Petros Dimopoulos
Heng-Tong DING
- Author in Thermodynamics of heavy-light hadrons
- Francesco Di Renzo
- Dalibor Djukanovic
- Dalibor Djukanovic
- Takumi Doi
- G. C. Donald
Rachel Dowdall
- Author in An improved study of the excited radiative decay $\Upsilon(2S) \to \eta_b(1S)\gamma$ using lattice NRQCD
- Author in Neutral B-meson mixing with physical u, d, s, and c sea quarks
- Co-author in The strange and charm quark contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment (g -2) of the muon from current-current correlators
Vincent Drach
- Author in Scattering lengths in SU(2) Gauge Theory with two Fundamental Fermions
- Co-author in Baryon spectrum with Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions
- Co-author in Composite (Goldstone) Higgs Dynamics on the Lattice: Spectrum of SU(2) Gauge Theory with two Fundamental Fermions
- Co-author in Results on the disconnected contributions for hadron structure
- Arthur Dromard
- Daping Du
- David Dudal
- Stephan Durr
- Stephan Dürr
Peter Dziennik
- Co-author in Gauge and Higgs boson masses from an extra dimension
Robert Edwards
- Co-author in Spectroscopy of charmed baryons from lattice QCD
- Shinji Ejiri
- Aida El-Khadra
- Michael G Endres
- Georg Engel
- Georg Engel
Michael Engelhardt
- Author in Nucleon transverse momentum-dependent parton distributions from domain wall fermion calculations at 297 MeV pion mass
- Author in Smearing Center Vortices
- Co-author in Calculation of disconnected contributions to nucleon form factors using hierarchical probing
- Co-author in Initial nucleon structure results with chiral quarks at the physical point
- Guray Erkol (Ozyegin University)
- Brendan Fahy
Xu Feng
- Author in Rare kaon decays from lattice QCD
Jacob Finkenrath
- Author in Isospin Effects by Mass Reweighting
- Co-author in Physical and cut-off effects of heavy charm-like sea quarks
- Co-author in Tuning of the strange quark mass with optimal reweighting
Christian Fischer
- Author in Locating the critical end-point of QCD
- George Fleming
- Jonathan Flynn
Zoltan Fodor
- Author in Charmonium spectral functions from 2+1 flavour lattice QCD
- Author in QCD Thermodynamics With Continuum Extrapolated Wilson Fermions
- Author in Shear Viscosity from Lattice QCD
- Co-author in Dark matter baryon candidates in the sextet gauge model
- Co-author in Fluctuations of the electric charge in theory and experiment
- Co-author in Higgs physics near the conformal window
- Co-author in Recent results on the Equation of State of QCD
- Co-author in Search for the chiral phase transition in three flavor QCD at imaginary chemical potential
- Co-author in The low mass scalar impostor and the composite Higgs
- Co-author in Tree level improvement of the gradient flow
- Justin Foley
- Eduardo Follana Adin
Anthony Francis
- Author in The leading hadronic contribution to (g-2) of the muon: The chiral behavior using the mixed representation method
- Co-author in A Study of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon computed from the Adler function
- Co-author in Chiral dynamics in the low-temperature phase of QCD
- Co-author in Search for a bound H-dibaryon using local six-quark interpolating operators
- Co-author in The leading disconnected contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
- Anthony Francis
- Elizabeth Freeland
- Walter Freeman
- Roberto Frezzotti
- Roberto Frezzotti
- Julien Frison
- Patrick Fritzsch
Andreas Frommer
- Author in Multigrid for Lattice QCD
- Author in Multigrid Preconditioning for the Overlap Operator
Hidenori Fukaya
- Author in Topology density correlator on dynamical domain-wall ensembles with nearly frozen topological charge
- Co-author in Axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature with Mobius domain-wall fermions
- Co-author in Effects of near-zero Dirac eigenmodes on axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature
- Co-author in Fine lattice simulations with the Ginsparg-Wilson fermions
- Ryutaro Fukuda
- Yasunori Futamura
- Ben Galloway
Arjun Gambhir
- Author in ContinuousBeta
- Elvira Gamiz
- Elvira Gamiz
- Margarita Garcia-Perez
- Elena Garcia Ramos
Nicolas Garron
- Co-author in K/pi physics
Christof Gattringer
- Author in Dual simulation of finite density lattice QED at large mass
- Author in Quark number susceptibilities from fugacity expansion at finite chemical potential
- Co-author in Study of the Theta Angle in Scalar QED_2 in a Dual Representation
- Co-author in Testing the density of states method for the effective center model of QCD
- Rajiv Gavai
- Zechariah Gelzer
- Antoine Gérardin
- Urs Gerber
- Joel Giedt
- Matteo Giordano
- Eruzzi Giovanni
- Pietro Giudice
- Leonardo Giusti
- Leonardo Giusti
- Michael J. Glatzmaier
Leonid Glozman
- Author in The dynamical QCD string
- Co-author in Mesons upon low-lying Dirac mode exclusion
- Meinulf Goeckeler
- Maarten Golterman
- Ming Gong
Ming Gong
- Author in Quark Spin in the Nucleon with Overlap Fermion
- Co-author in Lattice study on diquark properties
- Co-author in Strange quark momentum fraction from overlap fermion
- Shinya Gongyo
- Antonio Gonzalez-Arroyo
- Stephen Gottlieb
- Steven Gottlieb
Vladimir Goy
- Co-author in Study of axial magnetic effect
- Co-author in Surface operators study within the lattice QCD
- Mario Gravina
- Mario Gravina
- Jeremy Green
- Jeremy Green
- Jeff Greensite
- Vera Guelpers
Andrea Guerrieri
- Author in Flavored tetraquark spectroscopy
- Pierre Guichon
- Jana Günther
- Rajan Gupta
- Marios Hadjiantonis (University of Cyprus)
- Kyriacos Hadjiyiannakou
- Kyriacos Hadjiyiannakou
Jonathan Hall
- Co-author in The Lambda 1405 is an anti-kaon--nucleon molecule
- Masanori Hanada
- Simon Hands
- Maxwell Hansen
- Tim Harris
- Masayasu Hasegawa
- Anna Hasenfratz
Shoji Hashimoto
- Co-author in A filtering technique for the temporally reduced matrix of the Wilson fermion determinant
- Co-author in Axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature with Mobius domain-wall fermions
- Co-author in Effects of near-zero Dirac eigenmodes on axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature
- Co-author in Fine lattice simulations with the Ginsparg-Wilson fermions
- Co-author in Nonperturbative renormalization of bilinear operators with Mobius domain-wall fermions in the coordinate space
- Co-author in Partial restoration of chiral symmetry inside hadrons
- Co-author in Scaling study of an improved fermion action on quenched lattices
- Co-author in Topology density correlator on dynamical domain-wall ensembles with nearly frozen topological charge
Tetsuo Hatsuda
- Co-author in Measurement of thermodynamics using Gradient Flow
- Thacker H. B.
- Prasad Hegde
- Jochen Heitger
- Urs Heller
- Gregorio Herdoiza
- Ari Hietanen
- Christian Hoelbling
- Christian Hoelbling
Roman Hoellwieser
- Author in Smearing Center Vortices
- Ben Hoerz
- Christoph P. Hofmann
- Christoph Peter Hofmann
Kieran Holland
- Co-author in The low mass scalar impostor and the composite Higgs
Kieran Holland
- Co-author in Dark matter baryon candidates in the sextet gauge model
- Co-author in Higgs physics near the conformal window
- Co-author in Tree level improvement of the gradient flow
- Hanno Horch
- Hanno Horch
- Ronald Horgan
- Ron Horgan
- Derek Horkel
- Roger Horsley
- Ivan Horvath
- Grit Hotzel
- Dean Howarth
- Tung-Han Hsieh
- Jiayu Hua
- Cynthia Yu-Han Huang
- Renwick Hudspith
- Emilie Huffman
- Ciaran Hughes
- Terukazu Ichihara
- Atsuro Ikeda
- Akira Imakura
Nikos Irges
- Co-author in Gauge and Higgs boson masses from an extra dimension
- Takumi Iritani
- Masahiro Ishii
- Ken-Ichi Ishikawa
- Tomomi Ishikawa
- Naruhito Ishizuka
- Bora Isildak (Ozyegin Univeristy)
- Etsuko Itou
Taku Izubuchi
- Author in $2+1$ flavor measurement for $\eta$ and $\eta'$ masses using domain wall fermion
- Author in Towards the large volume limit - An application to hadronic contributions to muon g-2 and EM corrections
- Co-author in B meson decay constants and Delta B=2 matrix elements with static heavy and doma in-wall light quarks
- Co-author in Improved statistics of proton decay matrix element
- Co-author in Initial nucleon structure results with chiral quarks at the physical point
Benjamin Jaeger
- Author in Exploring the phase diagram of QCD with complex Langevin simulations
- Co-author in A Study of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon computed from the Adler function
- Co-author in Nucleon axial form factors from two-flavour Lattice QCD
- Co-author in The leading disconnected contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
- Co-author in The leading hadronic contribution to (g-2) of the muon: The chiral behavior using the mixed representation method
- Co-author in The onset of the baryonic density in HD-QCD at low temperature
- Benjamin Jaeger
- Benjamin Jäger
Yong-Chull Jang
- Author in Current status of $\varepsilon_K$ calculated on the lattice
- Author in Heavy Meson Spectrum Tests of the Oktay-Kronfeld Action
- Author in Improved currents for B to D(*) ell nu form factors from Oktay-Kronfeld heavy quarks
- Co-author in Calculation of BSM Kaon B-parameters using improved staggered quarks in N_f = 2+1 QCD.
- Tadeusz Janowski
Karl Jansen
- Author in Lepton anomalous magnetic moments from N_f=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions and N_f=2 twisted mass fermions at the physical point
- Author in Nucleon electromagnetic form factors from twisted mass lattice QCD
- Author in Updated results from maximally twisted mass QCD at the physical point
- Co-author in Axial and tensor charges of baryons using twisted mass fermions
- Co-author in Baryon spectrum with Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions
- Co-author in Phase structure and Higgs boson mass in a Higgs-Yukawa model with a dimension-6 operator
- Co-author in Results on the disconnected contributions for hadron structure
- Co-author in Temperature dependence of the chiral condensate in the Schwinger model with Matrix Product States
Hwancheol Jeong
- Author in Non-perturbative Renormalization of Four-fermion Operators Relevant to B_K with Staggered Quarks.
- Author in Optimization of Lattice QCD Calculation on GTX Titan Black GPU and Xeon Phi Coprocessor
- Co-author in Calculation of BSM Kaon B-parameters using improved staggered quarks in N_f = 2+1 QCD.
- You-Cyuan Jhang
- Luchang Jin
- Xiao-Yong Jin
- Andreas Juettner
- Keisuke Juge
- Chulwoo Jung
- Parikshit Junnarkar
- Andreas Juttner
- Olaf Kaczmarek
- Karsten Kahl
- Christos Kallidonis
- Waseem Kamleh
- Kazuyuki Kanaya
- Takashi Kaneko
- Takashi Kaneko
- Takashi Kaneko
- Tuomas Karavirta
- Kouji Kashiwa
- Mitsuhiro Kato
Sandor Katz
- Author in Charmonium spectral functions from 2+1 flavour lattice QCD
- Author in Chiral transition as Anderson transition
- Author in QCD Thermodynamics With Continuum Extrapolated Wilson Fermions
- Co-author in Fluctuations of the electric charge in theory and experiment
- Co-author in Recent results on the Equation of State of QCD
- Co-author in Search for the chiral phase transition in three flavor QCD at imaginary chemical potential
- Taichi Kawanai
- Liam Keegan
Christopher Kelly
- Author in Lattice Measurement of the Delta I=1/2 Contribution to Standard Model Direct CP-Violation in K->pi pi Decays at Physical Kinematics: Part I
- Co-author in Lattice Measurement of the Delta I=1/2 Contribution to Standard Model Direct CP-Violation in K->pi pi Decays at Physical Kinematics: Part II
- Mario Kieburg
- Jongjeong Kim
- Seyong Kim
- Jangho Kim
- Sunghee Kim
- Hyung-Jin Kim
Adrian Kiratidis
- Co-author in Nucleon spectroscopy using multi-particle operators
- Masakiyo Kitazawa
- Thomas Kloiber
- P Knecht
Francesco Knechtli
- Author in Physical and cut-off effects of heavy charm-like sea quarks
- Co-author in Gauge and Higgs boson masses from an extra dimension
- Co-author in Isospin Effects by Mass Reweighting
- Michael Kniely
- Bastian Knippschild
- Oleg Kochetkov
John Kogut
- Co-author in Models of Walking Technicolor on the Lattice
- Miho Koma
- Yoshiaki Koma
- Javad Komijani
- J. Koponen
- Piotr Korcyl
- Mateusz Koren
- Daniel Körner
- Tomasz Korzec
- Bartosz Kostrzewa
- Andrey Kotov
- Hiroaki Kouno
Giannis Koutsou
- Author in Extraction of the isovector magnetic form factor of the nucleon at zero momentum
- Author in Nucleon electromagnetic form factors from twisted mass lattice QCD
- Co-author in Axial and tensor charges of baryons using twisted mass fermions
- Co-author in Baryon spectrum with Nf=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions
- Co-author in Investigation of the tetraquark candidate a_0(980): preliminary results
- Co-author in Investigation of the tetraquark candidate a_0(980): technical aspects.
- Co-author in Results on the disconnected contributions for hadron structure
- Tamas G. Kovacs
Stefan Krieg
- Author in Charmonium spectral functions from 2+1 flavour lattice QCD
- Author in QCD Thermodynamics With Continuum Extrapolated Wilson Fermions
- Author in Recent results on the Equation of State of QCD
- Co-author in Calculation of disconnected contributions to nucleon form factors using hierarchical probing
- Co-author in Fluctuations of the electric charge in theory and experiment
- Co-author in Initial nucleon structure results with chiral quarks at the physical point
- Co-author in Search for the chiral phase transition in three flavor QCD at imaginary chemical potential
- Andreas Kronfeld
- Agnieszka Kujawa-Cichy
- Teiji Kunihiro
- Yoshinobu KURAMASHI
- Yoshinobu Kuramashi
- Thorsten Kurth
Julius Kuti
- Author in Higgs physics near the conformal window
- Co-author in Dark matter baryon candidates in the sextet gauge model
- Co-author in The low mass scalar impostor and the composite Higgs
- Co-author in Tree level improvement of the gradient flow
- Jesse Laeuchli
- Chen-Yen Lai
Jack Laiho
- Author in Exploring the phase diagram of Euclidean dynamical triangulations
- Co-author in Beyond the Standard Model Kaon Mixing from Mixed-Action Lattice Simulations
- Co-author in Matrix elements for D-meson mixing from 2+1 lattice QCD
- Co-author in The charmonium states X(3872)(1++) and Zc(3900)(1+-) on HISQ lattices
- Paolo Lami
Karl Landsteiner
- Co-author in Study of axial magnetic effect
- Kurt Langfeld
- Olga Larina
- Richard Lau
- Björn Leder
Björn Leder
- Co-author in Isospin Effects by Mass Reweighting
- Co-author in Physical and cut-off effects of heavy charm-like sea quarks
- Frank Lee
Weonjong Lee
- Author in Calculation of BSM Kaon B-parameters using improved staggered quarks in N_f = 2+1 QCD.
- Author in Current status of $\varepsilon_K$ calculated on the lattice
- Author in Improved currents for B to D(*) ell nu form factors from Oktay-Kronfeld heavy quarks
- Author in Non-perturbative Renormalization of Four-fermion Operators Relevant to B_K with Staggered Quarks.
- Author in Optimization of Lattice QCD Calculation on GTX Titan Black GPU and Xeon Phi Coprocessor
- Co-author in Heavy Meson Spectrum Tests of the Oktay-Kronfeld Action
- Song-Haeng Lee
- Jaehoon Leem
- Christoph Lehner
- Viljami Leino
- Derek Leinweber
- David Lenkner
- Peter Lepage
Luka Leskovec
- Co-author in DK and D* K scattering near threshold
- Co-author in Evidence for the charged charmonium-like state Zc+ from lattice QCD
- Ludmila Levkova
- Randy Lewis
- Ruizi Li
- Huey-Wen Lin
- C.-J. David Lin
- Meifeng Lin
Keh-Fei Liu
- Author in Pi N Sigma Term and Scalar Form Factor from Overlap Fermion
- Author in Quark Spin in the Nucleon with Overlap Fermion
- Co-author in Calculating the glue helicity on the lattice with comments about renormalization
- Co-author in Glue Helicity $\Delta G$ In the Nucleon
- Co-author in Strange quark momentum fraction from overlap fermion
- Yuzhi Liu
- Zhaofeng Liu
- Liuming Liu
Maria Paola Lombardo
- Author in Approaching Conformality
- Co-author in Temperature dependence of bottomonium spectral functions
- Stefano Lottini
- Vittorio Lubicz
- Vittorio Lubicz
- Michael Lujan
- Michael Lujan
- Elena Luschevskaya
- Tom Luu
- Andrew Lytle
Axel Maas
- Author in Spectrum and Observables in Yang-Mills-Higgs Theory
- Co-author in Lattice simulations of G2-QCD at finite density I
- Co-author in Lattice simulations of G2-QCD at finite density II
- Paul Mackenzie
- Padmanath Madanagopalan
- Valentin Mader
- Simon Mages
Selim Mahbub
- Co-author in Electromagnetic matrix elements for excited Nucleons
- P. Majumdar
- Rehan MALAK
- Kim Maltman
- Mariane Mangin-Brinet
- Marina Marinkovic
- Marina Marinkovic
- Marco Mariti
- Guido Martinelli
- Ekaterina Mastropas
- Nilmani Mathur
- Hideo Matsufuru
- Robert Mawhinney
Matthew McCullough
- Co-author in Nuclear physics beyond QCD
- Greg McGlynn
- Stefan Meinel
- Peter Meisinger
- Ulf Meissner
- Hector Mejia-Diaz
- Héctor Mejía-Díaz
- Davide Meloni
Benjamin Menadue
- Co-author in Electromagnetic matrix elements for excited Nucleons
Ben Menadue
- Co-author in The Lambda 1405 is an anti-kaon--nucleon molecule
- Tereza Mendes
- Michele Mesiti
- Michele Mesiti
- Thibaut METIVET
Yannick Meurice
- Author in Blocking versus Sampling
- Co-author in Exploring the phase structure of 12-flavor SU(3)
- Co-author in Tensor renormalization group study of the 2d O(3) model
- Co-author in The effective U(1)-Higgs theory at strong coupling on optical lattices?
Harvey Meyer
- Co-author in A Study of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon computed from the Adler function
- Co-author in Chiral dynamics in the low-temperature phase of QCD
- Co-author in Nucleon axial form factors from two-flavour Lattice QCD
- Co-author in Study of the couplings of QED and QCD from the Adler function
- Co-author in Suppression of excited-state effects in lattice determination of nucleon electromagnetic form factors
- Co-author in The leading disconnected contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
- Co-author in The leading hadronic contribution to (g-2) of the muon: The chiral behavior using the mixed representation method
- Florian Meyer
Anthony Mezzacappa
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Author in Simulation in Astrophysics
- Chuan Miao
Kohtaroh Miura
- Author in Approaching Conformality
- Daniel Mohler
Graham Moir
- Author in Gauge and Higgs boson masses from an extra dimension
- Co-author in A study of scattering in open charm channels
Alexander Molochkov
- Co-author in Study of axial magnetic effect
- Alexander Molochkov
- Chris Monahan
Santanu Mondal
- Author in Dark matter baryon candidates in the sextet gauge model
- Co-author in Higgs physics near the conformal window
- Co-author in Tree level improvement of the gradient flow
Santanu Mondal
- Co-author in The low mass scalar impostor and the composite Higgs
- Sourav Mondal
- Istvan Montvay
- Vincent Morenas
- Colin Morningstar
- Shinji Motoki
- Swagato Mukherjee (BNL)
- Michael Müller-Preussker
- Gernot Münster
- Yuko Murakami
- Shin Muroya
- David Murphy
Georg M. Von Hippel
- Author in An improved study of the excited radiative decay $\Upsilon(2S) \to \eta_b(1S)\gamma$ using lattice NRQCD
- Author in Suppression of excited-state effects in lattice determination of nucleon electromagnetic form factors
- Co-author in Nucleon axial form factors from two-flavour Lattice QCD
- Co-author in The leading disconnected contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
- Joyce Myers
- Heechang Na
- Kei-ichi Nagai
- Keitaro Nagata
- Attila Nagy
Yoshifumi Nakamura
- Author in A Feynman-Hellmann approach to nonperturbative renormalization of lattice operators
- Author in Update on the critical endpoint of the finite temperature phase transition for three flavor QCD with clover type fermions
- Co-author in A Feynman-Hellmann approach to the spin structure of hadrons
- Co-author in Critical end point in Nf=3 QCD with finite density and temperature
- Co-author in Scalar correlators near the 3-flavor thermal critical point
- Atsushi Nakamura
- Yusuke Namekawa
- John Negele
- Francesco Negro
- Ethan Neil
- Hidekatsu Nemura
Herbert Neuberger
- Author in Polyakov Loop Correlations at Large N
- Alexander Nikolaev
- Shinsuke M. Nishigaki
Jun-Ichi Noaki
- Author in Fine lattice simulations with the Ginsparg-Wilson fermions
- Co-author in Axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature with Mobius domain-wall fermions
- Co-author in Effects of near-zero Dirac eigenmodes on axial U(1) symmetry at finite temperature
- Co-author in Nonperturbative renormalization of bilinear operators with Mobius domain-wall fermions in the coordinate space
- Co-author in Scaling study of an improved fermion action on quenched lattices
- Co-author in Topology density correlator on dynamical domain-wall ensembles with nearly frozen topological charge
Daniel Nogradi
- Author in Charmonium spectral functions from 2+1 flavour lattice QCD
- Author in QCD Thermodynamics With Continuum Extrapolated Wilson Fermions
- Author in Tree level improvement of the gradient flow
- Co-author in Dark matter baryon candidates in the sextet gauge model
- Co-author in Higgs physics near the conformal window
- Co-author in Search for the chiral phase transition in three flavor QCD at imaginary chemical potential
- Co-author in The low mass scalar impostor and the composite Higgs
- Co-author in Update on staggered Wilson fermions
Chiho Nonaka
- Author in Phase diagram of QCD at finite isospin chemical potential with Wilson fermions
- Co-author in Comparison between two-quark, tetra-quark and molecular states of the sigma meson from lattice QCD
- Co-author in QCD with Wilson fermions and isospin chemical potential at finite and zero temperature
Tiago Jose Nunes da Silva
- Author in Approaching Conformality
- Kenji Ogawa
- Michael Ogilvie
- Hiroshi Ohki
- Akira Ohnishi
- Hiroshi Ohno
- Shigemi Ohta
- Shotaro Oka
- Makoto Oka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Masanori Okawa
- Mehmet Oktay
- Orlando Oliveira
Tetsuya Onogi
(Osaka University)
- Author in Hidden exact symmetry in graphene
Kostas Orginos
- Author in An investigation of meson spectroscopy on isotropic clover lattices at the SU(3) flavor-symmetric point
- Author in Renormalization of parton distribution functions and their moments
- Co-author in Calculation of disconnected contributions to nucleon form factors using hierarchical probing
- Co-author in ContinuousBeta
- Co-author in Locally smeared operator product expansions
- Peter Orland
- James Osborn
- Konstantin Ottnad
- Benjamin Owen
- Umut Özugurel
Jeonghwan Pak
- Author in Non-perturbative Renormalization of Four-fermion Operators Relevant to B_K with Staggered Quarks.
- Author in Optimization of Lattice QCD Calculation on GTX Titan Black GPU and Xeon Phi Coprocessor
- Co-author in Calculation of BSM Kaon B-parameters using improved staggered quarks in N_f = 2+1 QCD.
- Markus Pak
Elisabetta Pallante
- Author in Approaching Conformality
- Haralambos Panagopoulos
- Haris Panagopoulos
- Marco Panero
- Alessandro Papa
- Mauro Papinutto
- Sungwoo Park
- Attila Pasztor
- Apoorva Patel
- Agostino Patella
- Oleg Pavlovskiy
Michael J. Peardon
- Co-author in A study of scattering in open charm channels
- Co-author in Spectroscopy of charmed baryons from lattice QCD
- Peter Pedersen
- Roberto Pellegrini
- Roberto Pellegrini
- Carlos Pena
- Carlos Pena Ruano
- Olivier Pene
- Michele Pepe
- Santiago Peris
- Holger Perlt
Bengt Petersson
- Co-author in Two-color QCD with chiral chemical potential
- Peter Petreczky
- Marcus Petschlies
Owe Philipsen
- Author in CL2QCD - Lattice QCD based on OpenCL
- Author in CL2QCD - Lattice QCD based on OpenCL
- Claudio Pica
- Eleonora Picca
- Stefano Piemonte
Alessandro Pilloni
- Co-author in Flavored tetraquark spectroscopy
Christopher Pinke
- Author in CL2QCD - Lattice QCD based on OpenCL
- Author in CL2QCD - Lattice QCD based on OpenCL
Ferenc Pittler
- Author in Chiral transition as Anderson transition
- Co-author in Dirac eigenmodes at the QCD Anderson transition
- Co-author in Understanding localisation in QCD through an Ising-Anderson model
- Dirk Pleiter
- Andrew Pochinsky
Antonio Polosa
- Co-author in Flavored tetraquark spectroscopy
- Antonin Portelli
- Lilian Prado
- Lilian Prado
Sasa Prelovsek
- Author in Evidence for the charged charmonium-like state Zc+ from lattice QCD
- Author in Hadron Spectroscopy
- Co-author in DK and D* K scattering near threshold
- David Preti
- Thomas Primer
- Matthias Puhr
- Siwei Qiu
Thomas Rae
- Author in Nonperturbative renormalisation for low moments of light-meson distribution amplitudes
- Co-author in Nucleon axial form factors from two-flavour Lattice QCD
- Co-author in Search for a bound H-dibaryon using local six-quark interpolating operators
- Co-author in Suppression of excited-state effects in lattice determination of nucleon electromagnetic form factors
- Antonio Rago
- Paul E. L. Rakow
- Paul Rakow
- Alberto Ramos
- Jarno Rantaharju
- Teemu Rantalaiho
Claudia Ratti
- Co-author in Fluctuations of the electric charge in theory and experiment
- Co-author in Recent results on the Equation of State of QCD
Ohad Raviv
- Co-author in Beta function of three-dimensional QED
- Indrakshi Raychowdhury
- Claudio Rebbi
- David Richards
- Lorenzo Riggio
Enrico Rinaldi
- Author in Conformality in twelve-flavor QCD
- Author in Testing composite Higgs models on the lattice
- Enrico Rinaldi
- Tobias Rindlisbacher
- Jose Rodriguez-Quintero
- Jan Rosseel
- Giancarlo Rossi
- Alexander Rothkopf
- Matthias Rottmann
- Kari Rummukainen
- Akaki Rusetsky
- Sinead Ryan
Chris Sachrajda
- Author in Long Distance Effects from the Lattice
- Author in Rare kaon decays from lattice QCD
- Hana Saito
- Shuntaro Sakai
- Makoto Sakamoto
- Tetsuya Sakurai
- Dirk Sandbrink
- Francesco Sanfilippo
- Francesco Sanfilippo
- Francesco Sannino
- Abhinav Sarje
- Takahiro Sasaki
- Tomomi Sato
- Martin Savage
- Martin Schaden
- Hans-Peter Schadler
- Stefan Schaefer
- Andreas Schäfer
Andreas Schäfer
- Author in Shear Viscosity from Lattice QCD
- David Schaich
- David Scheffler
- Gerrit Schierholz
- Arwed Schiller
- Arwed Schiller
- Christian Schmidt
- Alexander Schmidt (Phd)
Alexander Schreiber
- Co-author in Two-color QCD with chiral chemical potential
Mario Schröck
- Co-author in Overlap Quark Propagator in Coulomb Gauge QCD
- Chris Schroeder
Alessandro Sciarra
- Author in CL2QCD - Lattice QCD based on OpenCL
- Author in CL2QCD - Lattice QCD based on OpenCL
- Philipp Scior
- Erhard Seiler
- Erhard Seiler
- Motoo Sekiguchi
- Denes Sexty
- Yigal Shamir
- Sayantan Sharma
- Stephen Sharpe
- Akihiro Shibata
- Junko Shigemitsu
- Yuya Shimizu
- Andrea Shindler
- Eigo Shintani
- Christian Shultz
- Edward Shuryak
- Paulo Silva
- Jakob Simeth
- James Simone
- Silvano Simula
- Donald Sinclair
Stefan Sint
- Author in How to reduce O(a^2) effects in gradient flow observables?
- Author in Towards a new determination of the QCD Lambda parameter from running couplings in the three-flavour theory
- Co-author in A dynamical study of the chirally rotated Schrödinger functional in QCD
- Co-author in A perturbative study of the chirally rotated Schrödinger functional in QCD
- Jon-Ivar Skullerud
Dominik Smith
- Author in Hybrid-Monte-Carlo simulation of the tight-binding model of graphene with partially screened Coulomb interactions
- Co-author in Chiral restoration and deconfinement in two-color QCD with two flavors of staggered quarks
- Co-author in Effective SU(2) Polyakov Loop Theories with Heavy Quarks on the Lattice
- Hiroto So
- Wolfgang Soeldner
Rainer Sommer
- Author in On the extraction of spectral quantities with open boundary conditions.
- Author in Towards a new determination of the QCD Lambda parameter from running couplings in the three-flavour theory
- Co-author in Chiral condensate in nf=2 QCD from the Banks-Casher relation
- Co-author in Determination of \(c_{\rm sw}\) in \(N_f=3+1\) Lattice QCD with massive Wilson fermions
- Co-author in Physical and cut-off effects of heavy charm-like sea quarks
- amarjit soni
- amarjit soni
- Kim Splittorff
- Matthew Spraggs
- Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu
- Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu
- Andreas Stathopoulos
- Patrick Steinbrecher (University of Bielefeld)
- Kyle Steinhauer
- Andre Sternbeck
- Felix Stollenwerk
- Artur Strebel
- Alexei Strelchenko
- Hinnerk Stueben
- Hendrik Stüwe
- Raza Sufian
- Junpei Sugano
- Robert Sugar
- Mingyang Sun
Hiroshi Suzuki
- Co-author in Measurement of thermodynamics using Gradient Flow
- Benjamin Svetitsky
- Sergey Syritsyn
Kalman Szabo
- Author in Charmonium spectral functions from 2+1 flavour lattice QCD
- Author in Shear Viscosity from Lattice QCD
- Co-author in Fluctuations of the electric charge in theory and experiment
- Co-author in Recent results on the Equation of State of QCD
- Co-author in Search for the chiral phase transition in three flavor QCD at imaginary chemical potential
- Kalman K. Szabo
- Marcin Szyniszewski
- Toru T. Takahashi (Gunma Collage of Technology)
- Junichi Takahashi
- Shinji TAKEDA
- Yusuke Taniguchi
Nazario Tantalo
- Co-author in Flavored tetraquark spectroscopy
- Cecilia Tarantino
- Michael Teper
- T. Teubner
Anthony Thomas
- Co-author in The Lambda 1405 is an anti-kaon--nucleon molecule
Christopher Thomas
- Co-author in A study of scattering in open charm channels
- Brian Tiburzi
- Pascal Toerek
- Masaaki Tomii
- Akio Tomiya
- Akio Tomiya
- Christian Torrero
- Balint Toth
- Balint Toth
- Doug Toussaint
- Daniel Trewartha
- Norbert Trombitas
- Shan-Wen Tsai
- Justus Tobias Tsang
- Kimmo Tuominen
- Satoru Ueda
Laszlo Ujfalusi
- Co-author in Dirac eigenmodes at the QCD Anderson transition
- Co-author in Calculation of $K \to \pi\pi$ decay amplitudes with improved Wilson fermion in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
- Co-author in Critical end point in Nf=3 QCD with finite density and temperature
- Co-author in Scalar correlators near the 3-flavor thermal critical point
- Co-author in Update on the critical endpoint of the finite temperature phase transition for three flavor QCD with clover type fermions
- Naoya Ukita
- Maksim Ulybyshev
Maxim Ulybyshev
- Co-author in Study of axial magnetic effect
- Takashi Umeda
- Wolfgang Unger
Judah Unmuth-Yockey
- Author in Tensor renormalization group study of the 2d O(3) model
- Co-author in Blocking versus Sampling
- Mithat Unsal
- Carsten Urbach
- Pranjal Vachaspati
- Davide Vadacchino
- Helvio Vairinhos
- Semen Valgushev (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics)
- Karel Van Acoleyen
- Nele Vandersickel
- Ruth Van de Water
- Alejandro Vaquero
Imre Varga
- Co-author in Dirac eigenmodes at the QCD Anderson transition
- Lukas Varnhorst
- Jacobus Verbaarschot
- Valentina Verduci
- Pol Vilaseca Mainar
Lorenz von Smekal
- Author in Lattice simulations of G2-QCD at finite density I
- Co-author in Chiral restoration and deconfinement in two-color QCD with two flavors of staggered quarks
- Co-author in Effective SU(2) Polyakov Loop Theories with Heavy Quarks on the Lattice
- Co-author in Hybrid-Monte-Carlo simulation of the tight-binding model of graphene with partially screened Coulomb interactions
- Co-author in Lattice simulations of G2-QCD at finite density II
- Hiroaki Wada
- Michael Wagman
Marc Wagner
- Co-author in Hadron masses from fixed topological simulations: discussion of parity partners and SU(2) Yang-Mills results.
- Co-author in Investigation of the tetraquark candidate a_0(980): preliminary results
- Co-author in Investigation of the tetraquark candidate a_0(980): technical aspects.
- Co-author in Topologically restricted measurements in lattice sigma-models
- Mathias Wagner (Indiana University)
- Masayuki Wakayama
- andre walker-loud
- Johannes Heinrich Weber
- Evan Weinberg
- Björn Wellegehausen
- Urs Wenger
- Tilo Wettig
- Christian Wiese
David Wilson
- Author in Resonances in pi-K scattering
- Matthew Wingate
- Frank Winter
- Andreas Wipf
- Christian Wittemeier
Hartmut Wittig
- Author in Nucleon axial form factors from two-flavour Lattice QCD
- Co-author in A Study of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon computed from the Adler function
- Co-author in Search for a bound H-dibaryon using local six-quark interpolating operators
- Co-author in Study of the couplings of QED and QCD from the Adler function
- Co-author in Suppression of excited-state effects in lattice determination of nucleon electromagnetic form factors
- Co-author in The leading disconnected contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
- Co-author in The leading hadronic contribution to (g-2) of the muon: The chiral behavior using the mixed representation method
- Oliver Witzel
- Ulli Wolff
Richard Woloshyn
- Co-author in DK and D* K scattering near threshold
- Co-author in Free-form Smeared Bottomonium Correlation Functions
chik him wong
- Author in The low mass scalar impostor and the composite Higgs
- Co-author in Dark matter baryon candidates in the sextet gauge model
- Co-author in Excited isovector mesons using the stochastic LapH method
- Co-author in Higgs physics near the conformal window
- Co-author in Pion-pion scattering phase shifts with the stochastic LapH method
- Co-author in Tree level improvement of the gradient flow
Jacek Wosiek
- Author in Screening without dynamical quarks
- Mark Wurtz
- Masanobu Yahiro
- Norikazu Yamada
- Masanori for HAL QCD Coll Yamada
Takeshi Yamazaki
- Author in Hadronic Interaction
Yi-Bo Yang
- Author in Hadron mass decomposition from Lattice QCD
- Author in Quark Spin in the Nucleon with Overlap Fermion
- Co-author in Calculating the glue helicity on the lattice with comments about renormalization
- Co-author in Glue Helicity $\Delta G$ In the Nucleon
- Co-author in Pi N Sigma Term and Scalar Form Factor from Overlap Fermion
- Co-author in Strange quark momentum fraction from overlap fermion
Kyoko Yoneyama
- Co-author in Gauge and Higgs boson masses from an extra dimension
- Boram Yoon
- Boram Yoon
- Tomoteru Yoshie
- Ross D. Young
- Savvas Zafeiropoulos
- James M. Zanotti
Daiqian Zhang
- Author in Lattice Measurement of the Delta I=1/2 Contribution to Standard Model Direct CP-Violation in K->pi pi Decays at Physical Kinematics: Part II
- Co-author in Lattice Measurement of the Delta I=1/2 Contribution to Standard Model Direct CP-Violation in K->pi pi Decays at Physical Kinematics: Part I
- Ran Zhou
Christian Zielinski
- Co-author in Update on staggered Wilson fermions
- Christian Zielinski
Haiyuan Zou
- Co-author in Blocking versus Sampling
- Co-author in Tensor renormalization group study of the 2d O(3) model
- Daniel Zwanziger