23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Lattice calculation of neural network of theta neuron

24 Jun 2014, 18:10
Low library

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Board: 21
Poster Theoretical Developments Poster session


Dr Siwei Qiu (National Institute of Health)


Neurophysics is a relatively new science. We will use quantum field theory to analyze the neural network of theta model. With a special lattice, one can explore the short term memory using lattice field theory calculation. Here we will theoretically show the path integral formalism which can be used to do perturbation theory. Simple lattice simulation will be conducted to compare with the theoretical analysis.


Research is still ongoing, so the abstract and title may be changed on the time of attending the conference. The system is dynamical system, very similar to quantum gravity problem.

Primary author

Dr Siwei Qiu (National Institute of Health)

Presentation materials

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