23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Search for the chiral phase transition in three flavor QCD at imaginary chemical potential

24 Jun 2014, 15:35
501 NWC

501 NWC

Talk Nonzero Temperature and Density Nonzero temperature and Density


Dr Balint Toth (University of Wuppertal)


The finite temperature transition of QCD with three degenerate flavors is expected to become a first order phase transition at small quark masses. It has been observed that introducing a sufficiently large imaginary chemical potential broadens the first order region and raises the critical quark mass to the numerically feasible regime. We report on our search for this first order transition at imaginary chemical potentials using three flavors of staggered quarks.

Primary author

Dr Balint Toth (University of Wuppertal)


Mr Attila Pasztor (MTA-ELTE Lendulet Lattice gauge theory research group) Dr Christian Hoelbling (University of Wuppertal) Dr Daniel Nogradi (Eotvos University) Prof. Kalman Szabo (Forschungszentrum Juelich) Mr Norbert Trombitas (Eotvos Lorand University) Prof. Sandor Katz (Eotvos Lorand University) Dr Stefan Krieg (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH/Wuppertal University) Dr Stephan Durr (University of Wuppertal) Dr Szabolcs Borsanyi (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) Prof. Zoltan Fodor (University of Wuppertal)

Presentation materials