23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Surface operators study within the lattice QCD

26 Jun 2014, 14:55
415 Schapiro

415 Schapiro

Talk Vacuum Structure and Confinement Vacuum Structure and Confinement


Dr Alexander Molochkov (Far Eastern Federal University)


The most important probes for the phase states of a four-dimensional gauge field theory are the Wilson and t'Hooft line operatros that are defined on one-dimensional curves in the space-time. However, for more detail understanding of four-dimensional gauge field theory dynamics and vacuum topology we need additional probes expressed by operators defined on the subspaces with higher dimensions. Possible candidates are operators that are defined on the two-dimensional surface in the four-dimensional space-time. In the present work the surface operator in the lattice QCD is studied. The Witten parameter dependence on the surface area and volume studied in confinement and deconfinement phases.

Primary author

Dr Alexander Molochkov (Far Eastern Federal University)


Vladimir Goy (Far Eastern Federal University)

Presentation materials