Hyung-Jin Kim
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
The $\eta-\eta'$ mass splitting coming from anomalous effect on U(1) axial currents has been a historical issue.
The QCD gauge field topology with instanton can explain this problem and show consistent result with experimental mass of $\eta'$.
Based on the $2+1$ flavor lattice QCD simulation, previous $\eta-\eta'$ masses study shows about 15\% level of accuracy.
With the advanced computational capability of GPU, we can process more bigger and finer lattice data for higher precision measurement.
In this work, we will show our preliminary $\eta-\eta'$ mass result calculated on $24^3\times 64$ and $32^3\times 64$ Iwasaki gauge lattices corresponding to $a^{-1} = 1.73$GeV.