23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Non perturbative renormalization and running of Delta F=2 four-fermion operators in the SF scheme.

24 Jun 2014, 14:55
207 Math

207 Math

Talk Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization Standard model parameters and renormalization


Dr Mauro Papinutto (Universita "La Sapienza" and INFN Sez. di Roma)


We present preliminary results of a non-perturbative study of the scale-dependent renormalization constants of a complete basis of Delta F=2 parity-odd four-fermion operators that enter the computation of hadronic B-parameters within the SM and beyond. We consider non-perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson fermions and our gauge configurations contain two flavors of massless sea quarks. The mixing pattern of these operators is the same as for a regularization that preserves chiral symmetry, in particular there is a "physical" mixing between some of the operators. The renormalization group running matrix is computed in the continuum limit for a family of Schrödinger Functional (SF) schemes through finite volume recursive techniques. We compute non-perturbatively the relation between the renormalization group invariant operators and their counterparts renormalized in the SF at a low energy scale and we provide non-perturbative estimates for the matching matrix between the lattice regularized theory and the various SF schemes.

Primary author

Dr Mauro Papinutto (Universita "La Sapienza" and INFN Sez. di Roma)


Dr Carlos Pena Ruano (Universita Autonoma de Madrid and IFT) Mr David Preti (Universita Autonoma de Madrid)

Presentation materials