23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

The onset of the baryonic density in HD-QCD at low temperature

24 Jun 2014, 18:10
Low library

Low library

Board: 45
Poster Nonzero Temperature and Density Poster session


Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu (Inst. Theor. Physik, Universitaet Heidelberg)


We use the heavy dense approximation of QCD (HD-QCD) at next-to-leading order (NLO) in the hopping expansion, keeping the full Yang-Mills action. We perform simulations at low temperatures, in the region below 1/3 T_c(\mu=0), and at large \mu, \mu/T above 5. We analyse the structure in the baryonic density and other quantities at the onset. We present data from reweighting (RW) and complex Langevin equation (CLE) calculations for 2 flavours of Wilson fermions, and discuss the results.

Primary author

Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu (Inst. Theor. Physik, Universitaet Heidelberg)


Benjamin Jaeger (Physics Dept., Swansea University) Denes Sexty (Inst. Theor. Physik, Universitaet Heidelberg) Erhard Seiler (Max Planck Inst. f. Physik, Muenchen) Gert Aarts (Physics Dept., Swansea University)

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