23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Evidence for the charged charmonium-like state Zc+ from lattice QCD

27 Jun 2014, 15:15
428 Pupin

428 Pupin

Talk Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions Hadron spectroscopy and interaction


Mr Luka Leskovec (Institute Jozef Stefan)


We perform a lattice QCD simulation of the charmonium-like channel, where experiments recently found several manifestly exotic states named Zc+ with flavor content bar c c bar d u. In addition to identifying all the scattering states we also observe an additional level in the simulation, which we attribute to Zc+.

Primary author

Prof. Sasa Prelovsek (University of Ljubljana)


Dr Daniel Mohler (Fermilab) Prof. Lang Christian (University of Graz) Mr Luka Leskovec (Institute Jozef Stefan)

Presentation materials