Quick notes.
Attendees: Jerome (chair), Carlos, Eric, Elke, Maxim, Thomas, Tony, Graham, Markus, Doug. John
Carlos and Maxim had presentations. Invenio is here referred as v3. Much questions and discussions. A few items
- General discussions: DocDB is dead. Zenodo is the current tool, Invenio RDM milestone M12 already plans to migrate to Invenio RDM.
- PHENIX cannot wait according to Maxim. Would benefit from a Zenodo instance at BNL - base features are fine (this what Maxim tested at CERN). Agreed we would have offline discussions (Maxim/Carlos discussed more)
- sPHENIX: John H. provided the requirements as defined by that collaboration. Happy with the path taken so far (trying to do something close to CDS like solution) and hoping that working closely with Carlos, requirements will end and Invenio RDM features (and transition will be possible). Carlos is part of the Invenio RDM team (so collaborating on a migration is secured).
- Markus expressed a general interest in the tool. Suggest to think of requirements more. Though the YR effort is limited in time, notes that even for the YR documents, it would be good to have it all in one place. Currently dispersed.
- Thomas caution that requirements for the EIC today may not be the long term requirements. Most likely, will need and use what everyone else use/need. Also the EIC is at the YR stage (not a tool for a collaboration)
- Doug commented that it is nice to have InCommon logins possible - BNL/Jlab accounts could be served by a single instance.
- EIC: tried to paraphrase the EIC possible needs, but ended to understand that Elke/Thomas will define the initial requirements for the EIC and bring them forward in a near future.
- John H. slides (provided from a previous meeting) could serve as a template for requirements / needs.
Action items (post-meeting / discussions within the SDCC with input from Maxim on the PHENIX front)
User questions should be redirected to the SDCC "Invenio help ( including Zenodo and InvenioRDM)" Mattermost public channel.
sPHENIX - will leave John Haggetry / Uma path going (no zenodo). Understand that close work with Carlos and Invenio RDM team would provide a migration path forward later. Work defines interesting requirements and their implementations.
SDCC (Carlos, ...) will raise an instance of Zenodo for PHENIX. It will be accessible from the outside (read). Maxim able to upload document. Will see the later requirements for who adds documents. Instance should be foreseen as long term production. ETA: within the next 2 weeks
EIC folks (Elke/Thomas) will work on the requirements for the EIC.
In the meantime, Carlos will also (after the PHENIX work) raise an instance for the EIC "as-is". The PHENIX instance is aimed to be production quality.
The EIC instance will be a test. There, we envision a later implementation of Comanage (so InCommon would be possible). This instance will be for EIC members (JLab included) to familiarize with what zenodo provides (without waiting for the final requirements, it will help people to better understand the capabilities)
Corrections, additions welcomed.
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