13–15 Sept 2014
Howard Gittis Student Center
US/Eastern timezone


QCD and Hadron Physics / Hadron Spectroscopy II (Incl. Short presentations)

15 Sept 2014, 10:20
Howard Gittis Student Center

Howard Gittis Student Center

1743 N. 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122

Presentation materials

Prof. Ralf Gothe (University Of South Carolina)
15/09/2014, 10:20
Prof. William Briscoe (The George Washington University)
15/09/2014, 10:45
Prof. Igor Strakovsky (The George Washington University)
15/09/2014, 10:48
Prof. Lei Guo (Florida International University)
15/09/2014, 10:51
Dr Ryan Mitchell (Indiana University)
15/09/2014, 10:57
Prof. Adam Szczepaniak (Indiana University)
15/09/2014, 11:00
Building timetable...