June 23, 2020 to August 14, 2020
US/Eastern timezone

Quantum Computation for Nuclear Physics (Block 7)

Aug 11, 2020, 12:00 PM
1h 15m
ID 832 459 133 (BlueJeans)

ID 832 459 133



Niklas Mueller (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


Abstract: I will give an introduction into the exciting field of quantum computation and quantum simulation from the perspective of a nuclear theorists.
My goal is to convince you that this potentially is the very beginning of a new era, where theorists may be able to compute things that had been impossible before.
I will highlight the many connections between high energy and nuclear, condensed matter and atomic, molecular and optical physics that are inspired by advances
in controlling matter at the single quantum level. These connections force us to think about old (and new) problems in very different and exciting ways.

Recording is available at https://bluejeans.com/s/dVLP4UopXEg/

Presentation materials