Jun 8 – 10, 2022
Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

This event is part of the CFNS workshop/ad-hoc meeting series. See the CFNS conferences page for other events.

This workshop will be realized as a Zoom-only workshop. 


This workshop will provide a venue for EIC enthusiasts and HERA experts to review ongoing analyzes at H1, ZEUS & HERMES and discuss possible new measurements. The goal of the workshop is to identify HERA analyzes that could help develop the theory, phenomenology, and statistical tools for the EIC program. The workshop will also aim at transmitting knowledge on key detector requirements, as well as reconstruction and calibration strategies gained at the HERA experiments.  



  • Review of legacy measurement at HERA and discussions of experimental lessons learned at H1, ZEUS and HERMES

  • Ideas for new measurements with HERA data that serve as a pathfinder for the EIC

  • Overview of recent and ongoing measurements at HERA and modern data analysis tools, unfolding techniques, radiative corrections, etc.

  • Recent developments in electron-proton physics: precision QCD calculations, parton distributions functions, etc.

Stony Brook University
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.