Hadron tomography at EIC and HEP
- Salvatore Fazio (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Timothy Hobbs (Southern Methodist University and EIC Center@JLab)
- Alexei Prokudin (Penn State Berks)
- Alessandro Vicini (University of Milano)
We quantify the potential impact of unpolarized lepton-proton and lepton-nucleus inclusive DIS cross sections measured at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) on the unpolarized proton and nuclear Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs). To this purpose we include neutral- and charged-current DIS pseudodata in a coherent set of global PDF determinations based on the NNPDF methodology. We find that the...
As we strive for higher precision Standard Model predictions, a
detailed knowledge of the PDFs is critical to interpret hadronic
processes at LHC and EIC. New data from both proton and heavy ion
beams can impose improved PDF constraints, as well as provide insights
as to the optimal means to organize the QCD expansion. The recently
released updates of the nCTEQ15 nPDFs reflect some of...
The EIC will provide a powerful tool for discriminating between various models of exotic hadron structure. Exotics that hadronize inside the nucleus must pass through nuclear matter, where they can interact with other partons and be disrupted. The magnitude of this disruption is expected to depend on the radius/binding energy of the state. Thus, the nucleus can act as a filter that...
We present explorative analyses of the 3D gluon content of the proton via a study of (un)polarized twist-2 gluon TMDs, calculated in a spectator model for the parent nucleon. Our approach encodes a flexible parametrization for the spectator-mass density, suited to describe both moderate and small-$x$ effects. All these prospective developments are relevant in the investigation of the gluon...
The tensor charge is one of the fundamental charges of the nucleon and, arguably, the least known. This quantity sits at the intersection of three key areas of nuclear physics: 3-dimensional tomography of the nucleon, searches for beyond the Standard Model physics, and lattice QCD. In this talk I will report on a recent study of the impact of the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) on the...
In semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering (SIDIS), the observables can be written in terms of two contributions: nucleon structure (i.e. the way partons are arranged in nucleons, encoded in the Transverse-Momentum Dependent Parton Distributions - TMD PDFs) and the mechanism of hadronization (encoded in the TMD Fragmentation Functions - TMD FFs). A reliable extraction of the former requires a...
We present the leading-twist parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the $\rho$-meson in the light-front holographic model which are found to be in accord with the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model and the light-front quark model predictions. We further study the QCD evolution of the PDFs. The positivity bounds on the PDFs are also discussed.