Heavy flavor at EIC
- Xin Dong (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Stephen Sekula (Southern Methodist University)
- Stephen Sekula (SMU)
- Ivan Vitev (LANL)
To understand gluon polarization inside a polarized nucleon is one of the most important physics goals of the future EIC proposed at Brookhaven National Laboratory. In addition to the extraction of such information by a QCD fit on the polarized g1 structure functions, another direct measurement on gluon polarization via double spin asymmetries in the open charm production through photon-gluon...
The proposed high luminosity high energy Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will provide a clean environment to precisely study the nuclear modification of the nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) and hadronization processes within a wide x-$Q^{2}$ phase space. Heavy flavor hadron and jet measurements at the future EIC will allow us to better determine the nPDFs in the poorly constrained...
The heavy-flavor program for the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory offers many potential measurement opportunities probing the nucleon structure and cold nuclear medium effects with electron-proton(ion) collisions. Among many other interesting topics, a particular expected achievement is the improvement to the gluon nuclear parton distribution function from...
We explore the feasibility of the measurement of charm-jet cross
sections in charged-current DIS at the EIC. This channel provides clean sensitivity to the strangeness content of the nucleon in the high-x region. We show the expected sensitivity to various strange PDFs, and hence this measurement will be key to future QCD global analyses.
An important part of the physics program at the future electron-ion collider is to understand the nature of hadronization and the transport of energy and matter in large nuclei. Open heavy flavor production in deep inelastic scattering provides a new tool to address these critical questions. We present the first calculation of D-mesons and B-meson cross sections in electron-nucleus collisions...
In high energy collisions, heavy quarks (c, b) are predominately produced in the initial hard scattering process. The relative ratio of different heavy flavor hadrons species serves as a tool to study charm quark hadronization mechanism. Recently, data from $p$+$p$, $p$+A, and A+A collisions at RHIC and LHC showed that the $\Lambda_c^+/D^0$ ratio is considerably larger than the fragmentation...
Using Soft-Collinear Effective Theory, we develop the transverse-momentum dependent factorization formalism for heavy flavor dijet production in polarized-proton electron collisions. We consider heavy flavor mass corrections in the collinear-soft and jet functions, as well as the associated evolution equations. Using this formalism, we generate a prediction for the gluon Sivers asymmetry for...
Heavy quark production in deep inelastic scattering proceeds via the Boson Gluon Fusion process and thus provides constraints to the gluon distributions inside the nucleon/ion probed. Measurements of charm and anti-charm hadron pair production in deep inelastic scatterings can be used to probe the gluon transverse momentum dependent distributions (TMDs) in the nucleon/ion. In this talk we will...
Droplets of quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy-ion collisions rapidly evolve expanding and cooling. During considerable part of this dynamics the system can be described within relativistic hydrodynamics. Recently, there were some attempts to include effects of the medium motion to the jet energy loss and jet modification calculations in a variety of models. Here we will present the first...
The EIC provides exciting new possibilities to study heavy exotic candidates in photoproduction. Here I provide a summary of current JPAC work to provide estimates of production rates of key exotic candidates such as the X(3872) and Y(4260) at EIC kinematics.
State-of-the-art detectors are required to fulfill the challenging physics program of the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). Specifically, a hermetic, low-material-budget, compact tracker with excellent momentum and pointing resolution capabilities is needed. The experience gained with semiconductor detectors in previous colliders indicates that this technology is one of the best options to...
The EIC will provide a powerful tool for discriminating between various models of exotic hadron structure. Exotics that hadronize inside the nucleus must pass through nuclear matter, where they can interact with other partons and be disrupted. The magnitude of this disruption is expected to depend on the radius/binding energy of the state. Thus, the nucleus can act as a filter that...