
  • Kemal Tezgin
  • Salvatore Fazio

Working group established in collaboration between BNL and key Institutes like Stony Brook Univ., CEA-Saclay (France), NCNR-Warsaw (Poland), University of Mainz and Regensburg U. (Germany).

The main porpose to:

(I) perform impact dtudies via global fits of different GPDs models and probes;

(II) create a powerful and flexibale software tool for the EIC users community that would ensure propagation of knowledge;

(III) use the GPD-based tables of Compton form factors (CFFs) calculated within this common framework to seed a novel Monte Carlo generator for DVCS and meson production, featuring second order initial- and finalstate radiative effects;

(IV) employ this novel generator to test reconstruction of kinematics and carefully define detector requirements for exclusive processes, a particularly timely study at this stage;

(V) assess the feasibility of extracting the D-term from precise measurement of differential cross sections.

February 2023

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