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23–28 Jun 2014
Columbia University
US/Eastern timezone

Radial and orbital excitation energies of charmonium

24 Jun 2014, 15:35
428 Pupin

428 Pupin

Talk Hadron Spectroscopy and Interactions Hadron spectroscopy and interaction


Mr Ben Galloway (University of Glasgow)


The system of charmonium has several excited states below the energy threshold for decay into D and Dbar mesons, which can in principle be studied accurately in lattice QCD. Studies that include many states in the spectrum have typically only been done at one value of the lattice spacing and with light quarks in the sea. Here we give results for radial and orbital excitation energies for charmonium from a calculation on 2+1+1 MILC configurations at multiple lattice spacings and including physical values for u/d quark masses. We use the HISQ formulation for c for small discretisation errors and smeared operators to improve excited state overlap.

Primary authors

Mr Ben Galloway (University of Glasgow) Prof. C DeTar (The University of Utah) Prof. Christine Davies (University of Glasgow) Dr J Koponen (University of Glasgow) Mr P Knecht (University of Glasgow)

Presentation materials