Contributed talks I
- Thomas Kutter (LSU)
- Pedro Machado (Fermilab)
- Jeremy Hewes (University of Cincinnati)
- Stella Oh (University of Cincinnati)
Tau neutrino fluxes in the atmosphere and at the Large Hadron Collider arise from heavy-flavour production and decay. The reliability of their predictions is therefore deeply connected to the reliability of present predictions for charm and bottom production in hadronic collisions. I plan to discuss this subject, presenting the various sources of uncertainties affecting these predictions and...
In the long-baseline neutrino experiments, an interesting signature of sterile neutrinos could be the anomalous appearance of tau neutrinos in the near detectors, not expected in case of three-flavour oscillations. The sensitivities in the ($\sin^22\theta_{\mu\tau},\Delta m_{41}^2$) parameter space, based on full MINOS+ Monte Carlo simulation and reconstruction, for total statistics of MINOS+...
We consider the sensitivity of the DUNE experiment to a heavy neutral lepton, HNL (also known as sterile neutrino) in the mass range from a few MeV to a few GeV, interacting with the Standard Model via a transition magnetic moment to the active neutrinos, the so-called dipole portal. The HNL is produced via the up-scattering of active neutrinos, and the subsequent decay inside the detector...
DUNE will be a long baseline neutrino experiment utilizing liquid Argon TPC technology. As well as a rich program of neutrino oscillation and BSM physics studies, DUNE will have an unprecedented sensitivity to the tau neutrino appearance with an event rate of approximately 30 events per year and far detector module. Their study will improve the understanding of neutrino interactions and...
The DUNE Near Detector, with a LAr TPC (Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber) as its primary detector, enables DUNE to probe for new physics beyond the Standard Model, such as short-baseline tau neutrino appearance mediated by sterile neutrino oscillations. Due to the high energy production threshold of the tau lepton and its very short lifetime, detection of tau neutrinos is very challenging,...
Testing the unitarity of the PMNS matrix can give insights into the existence of additional neutrino generations which would render the 3x3 leptonic mixing matrix non-unitarity. Current oscillation data mostly constrains the electron and muon row of the mixing matrix whereas the tau row still allows for large unitarity violation. Here we will focus on new unitary constraints on the tau row...
The significant neutrino flux at high rapidity at the LHC motivates dedicated forward detectors to study the properties of neutrinos at TeV energies. We investigate magnetic dipole interactions between different flavors of active neutrinos, and between the active neutrinos and new sterile states at emulsion and liquid argon experiments that could be located in a future Forward Physics Facility...