WSMON4: Ultrafast Pump Probe Optical Microscopy Techniques and their Applications in Nanoscience

Virtual Workshop (Zoom link will be provided)

Virtual Workshop

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Ultrafast pump-probe optical microscopy combines the nanoscale advantages of diffraction limited spatial resolution of conventional optical microscopy (Raman, absorption) with the ultrafast temporal resolution of pump probe spectroscopy onto a single experiment to deliver nanoscale dynamic understanding of phenomena like charge carrier transport, exciton migration and polariton propagation. So far, these techniques have been applied successfully to unveil and correlate dynamics in nanomaterials and related complexes including heterojunctions or to distinguish ultrafast phenomena even at the single nanostructure level. While ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy is a well matured technique, its nanoscale microscopy variation has been shy in implementation, with a recent increased in utilization by several research groups in the USA and abroad. Successful utilization of ultrafast pump-probe optical microscopy includes the studies of dynamics in low dimensional materials like quantum dots, nanowires and more recently atomically thin two-dimensional van Der Waals structures, in particular the help these studies have provided in designing new or improved nanomaterials for energy harvesting and storage, light emitting and quantum information processing. More recently, there have been even attempts to incorporate synchrotron radiation probing in combination with ultrafast optical microscopy. This workshop’s main goal is to bring together leading researchers from academia, industry and federal laboratories, including DOE NSRCs, and to discuss the state of the art of various implementations of ultrafast pump-probe optical microscopies within USA groups and abroad and possible interfacing with synchrotron studies and implications of the utilization of these methods in understanding dynamics at nanoscale and at ultrafast times in nanomaterials and the potential gain resulted from such studies. We intend to survey the potential interest of the user community in utilizing such experiments within the NSRCs and in combination with synchrotrons.

Workshop Organizers:
Mircea Cotlet, BNL
Mingxing Li, BNL
Jurek Sadowski, BNL
Eduard Fron, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium
Don DiMarzio, Northrop Grumman Corporation

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    • 10:00 AM 10:05 AM
      Introduction/opening remarks by organizers 5m
    • 10:05 AM 10:35 AM
      Ultrafast Studies of Isomerization and Proton Transfer in Photoactive Fluorescent Proteins 30m
      Speaker: Steve Meech (Dept. Chemistry, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom)
    • 10:35 AM 11:05 AM
      IMEC’s AttoLab adaptation of ultrafast pump probe spectroscopy and lensless imaging techniques to study nanodevice fabrication and high energy radiolysis of photoresists 30m
      Speaker: John Petersen (IMEC, Leuven, Belgium)
    • 11:05 AM 11:35 AM
      Synchrotron and Optical Probing of Mixed Halide Perovskites for Photovoltaics 30m
      Speaker: Deidra R. Hodges (Electrical Engineering, UT El Paso, TX)
    • 11:35 AM 11:45 AM
      Break 10m
    • 11:45 AM 12:15 PM
      Pump-probe spectroscopy reveals fundamental excited state dynamics of noble metal nanoparticles 30m
      Speaker: Eduard Fron (Dept. Chemistry, K.U.Leuven, Belgium )
    • 12:15 PM 12:45 PM
      Ultrafast Dynamic Microscopy of Exciton and Charge Transport 30m
      Speaker: Libai Huang (Dept. Chemistry, Purdue University)
    • 12:45 PM 1:45 PM
      Lunch Break 1h
    • 1:45 PM 2:15 PM
      Ultrafast Pump-Probe Microscopy of Photocarrier Transport in 2D Materials and Heterostructures 30m
      Speaker: Hui Zhao (Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Kansas)
    • 2:15 PM 2:45 PM
      Low Energy Spectroscopies with Synchrotron Radiation: From Micro to Nano and Opportunities for Time-Resolved Methods 30m
      Speaker: Larry Carr (NSLS-2 Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY)
    • 2:45 PM 3:15 PM
      Poincaré engineering of the nanofemto topology of surface plasmon polariton fields 30m
      Speaker: Prof. Hrvoje Petek (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh)
    • 3:15 PM 3:25 PM
      Break 10m
    • 3:25 PM 3:55 PM
      Unraveling fundamental processes in two-dimensional nanomaterials with ultrafast nonlinear optical microscopy 30m
      Speaker: Rohit Prasankumar (Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM)
    • 3:55 PM 4:25 PM
      Time-resolved hard x-ray diffraction microscopy for nanoscience 30m
      Speaker: Haidan Wen (X- Ray Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory)
    • 4:25 PM 4:45 PM
      Discussion on the future of the ultrafast/synchrotron field and concluding remarks 20m