WSTHU3: Liquid Surface Science

Virtual Workshop (Zoom Link: - Meeting ID: 161 471 9807 - Code: 577224)

Virtual Workshop

Zoom Link: - Meeting ID: 161 471 9807 - Code: 577224


X-ray scattering is the most powerful probe of the atomic and molecular structure of liquid/vapor and liquid/liquid interfaces. With the successfully completion and commissioning of the Open Platform and Liquid Surfaces (OPLS) end station at the Soft Matter Interfaces (SMI) beamline, NSLS II now offers a state-of-the art facility for synchrotron studies of liquid interfaces; only the second such facility in the U.S. Over the past several decades, x-ray scattering studies from liquid interfaces, many of these at NSLS, have successfully determined the structure of two-dimensional molecular, biomolecular and nanoparticle films, surface induced ordering of organic and metallic liquids including surface freezing and surface alloying in liquid metals, the role of thermal fluctuations at soft interfaces and the distribution of cation and anion species at interfaces. Such studies provide information that is unobtainable by any other technique and have helped lead the challenge to develop a fundamental understanding of the unique phenomena found at liquid interfaces. An emerging scientific challenge at liquid/vapor and liquid/liquid interfaces is to use these interfaces as a substrate to grow novel 2D polymer and inorganic materials. Since liquid surfaces are locally atomically smooth – no atomic steps - the possibility exists to synthesize materials to a perfection not possible on solid supports. This workshop serves to introduce the capabilities of OPLS to the NSLS II community and to present examples of cutting-edge x-ray liquid surface science from OPLS and from facilities around the world. Scientific topics to be addressed include 2D nanoparticle surface induced order, liquid/liquid electrodeposition, chemical vapor deposition of graphene on liquid metal substrates, assisted ion transport, protein structure at lipid monolayers, and biological and biomaterials interfaces. The workshop also presents an opportunity for discussions through an hour-long moderated roundtable session. Issues to be addressed include the development of novel sample environments, how to implement remote access given the challenging sample environments and community growth/engagement.

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 161 471 9807
Code: 577224

Workshop Organizers:
Ben Ocko (NSLS II)
Masa Fukuto (NSLS II)
Oleg Gang (CFN)
Binhua Lin (U. Chicago)

Workshop Speakers:
Honghu Zhang (BNL) - In situ probing of self-assembly of de novo peptoid-stabilized nanoparticles at the vapor/liquid interface
David Vaknin (Ames) - Nano-particle assembly and crystallization into 2D and 3D superstructures
Stephen Maldonado (U. Michigan) - X-ray reflectivity of Hg and Hgln electrode interfaces relevant to Ge crystal growth 
Maciej Jankowski (ESRF) - Growth of 2D materials on liquid metal catalysts
Mark Schlossman (UIC) – Back extraction: ions going the other way, from organic to aqueous
Raymond Tu (CCNY) – Understanding competitive adsorption of proteins and surfactants to the air-water interface
Chen Shen (Petra III, DESY) – Interaction between alpha-helical peptides and biomimetic membranes                                                                                 Ying Liu (UIC) – Does PEGylation impede phospholipid degradation?
Bridget Murphy (DESY) – Opportunities for investigating structure and dynamics at liquid and liquid-liquid interfaces at LISA  
Oleg Konovalov (ESRF) – Capabilities of ID10 at the ESRF for soft matter studies on liquid surface and interfaces
Philippe Fontaine (Soleil) – SIRIUS, a beamline at synchrotron SOLEIL for x-ray scattering and spectroscopy on soft and hard interfaces
Binhua Lin (U. Chicago) - Liquid interface science at NSF’s ChemMatCARS
Ben Ocko (BNL) – The recently commissioned liquids interface instrument at NSLS II

Back to main agenda

Tentative agenda is listed below:

    • 8:30 AM 8:35 AM
      Opening Remarks 5m
    • 8:35 AM 10:05 AM
      Session 1
      • 8:35 AM
        Growth of 2D materials on liquid metal catalysts 20m
        Speaker: Maciej Jankowski (ESRF)
      • 8:55 AM
        In situ probing of self-assembly of de novo peptoid-stabilized nanoparticles at the vapor/liquid interface 20m
        Speaker: Honghu Zhang (BNL)
      • 9:15 AM
        Interaction between alpha-helical peptides and biomimetic membranes 20m
        Speaker: Chen Shen (DESY)
      • 9:35 AM
        The recently commissioned liquids interface instrument at NSLS II 30m
        Speaker: Ben Ocko (BNL)
    • 10:05 AM 10:15 AM
      Break 10m
    • 10:15 AM 12:15 PM
      Session 2
      • 10:15 AM
        Opportunities for investigating structure and dynamics at liquid and liquid-liquid interfaces at LISA 30m
        Speaker: Bridget Murphy (DESY/Kiel University)
      • 10:45 AM
        Capabilities of ID10 at the ESRF for soft matter studies on liquid surface and interfaces 30m
        Speaker: Oleg Konovalov (ESRF)
      • 11:15 AM
        SIRIUS, a beamline at synchrotron SOLEIL for x-ray scattering and spectroscopy on soft and hard interfaces 30m
        Speaker: Philippe Fontaine (Soleil)
      • 11:45 AM
        Liquid interface science at NSF’s ChemMatCARS 30m
        Speaker: Binhua Lin (Univ. Chicago)
    • 12:15 PM 12:45 PM
      Lunch Break 30m
    • 12:45 PM 1:45 PM
      Session 3
      • 12:45 PM
        Panel Discussion: The future of liquid surface science. Is there one? 1h

        Moderators: Moshe Deutsch (Bar Ilan Univ., Israel)
        a. Binhua Lin (Univ. Chicago)
        b. Jean Daillant (SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin, France)
        c. Harald Reichert (ESRF, Grenoble, France)
        d. Ben Ocko (BNL)

    • 1:45 PM 1:55 PM
      Break 10m
    • 1:55 PM 3:35 PM
      Session 4
      • 1:55 PM
        Understanding competitive adsorption of proteins and surfactants to the air-water interface 20m
        Speaker: Raymond Tu (CCNY)
      • 2:15 PM
        Does PEGylation impede phospholipid degradation? 20m
        Speaker: Ying Liu (UIC)
      • 2:35 PM
        X-ray reflectivity of Hg and Hgln electrode interfaces relevant to Ge crystal growth 20m
        Speaker: Stephen Maldonado (Univ. Michigan)
      • 2:55 PM
        Nano-particle assembly and crystallization into 2D and 3D superstructures 20m
        Speaker: David Vaknin (Ames Lab)
      • 3:15 PM
        Back extraction: ions going the other way, from organic to aqueous 20m
        Speaker: Mark Schlossman (UIC)
    • 3:35 PM 4:00 PM
      Wrap-up 25m