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EIC ECCE tracking discussions.
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Meeting ID: 161 872 4619
Passcode: 212461
Meeting minutes for today:
1, forward silicon tracker by Ping (LANL):
Presented the yellow report results and new studies for barrel Si + FST, barrel Si + TPC + FST and DIRC + barrel Si + FST geometries. Summarized material budgets for different detector combination and tracking performance for the barrel Si + TPC + FST. These performance have been implemented into the HF reconstruction and ReA projection. Suggested to compare different detector designs/technologies.
2, EIC Tracking and PID studies by Rey (LBNL) and Wenqing (LBNL):
Rey presented Hybrid design of Si+GEM in the barrel and endcap regions. Improvement in the momentum resolution can be done with the Si+GEM hybrid design. Look into tuning the DIRC radiuses to check the impact on the tracking.
Wenqing presented PID detector options and start the Toy MC studies specifically associated with a LGAD based ToF in the barrel region. Have achieved the ToF perofmrnace for 3sigma PID for pi, K, p. Compared the p reach between Babar and Beast magnets and compare the requirements on the time and path length resolutions with R locations and magnet options.
Suggest to give the presentation in the ECCE PID WG meeting and take into account of the physics requirements. For PID, suggested to look into the electron PID as well.
3, general suggestion:
We need to provide the cost and schedule in the detector proposal. We would like to get the information from expert of the proposed detector technology.
We briefly discuss about the LGAD cost and will keep work on it and the other detector technologies.