Abstract: Although the Standard Model of particle physics, in conjunction with General Relativity, explains a wide range of physical phenomena, there are good reasons to believe that it does not represent a complete description of Nature. In this lecture, we will introduce the Standard Model and discuss some of its empirical and conceptual shortcomings.
Some of the ideas that have been...
Abstract: In this talk you will learn what a muon is, what a magnetic moment is, why it is anomalous, and what this has to do with the energy of the vacuum.
Abstract: In this talk, we will review a few salient ATLAS results in the searches for new physics at the LHC. This will include searches for exotic states, super symmetry, extended Higgs sectors, long-lived particles and dark sector states.
Abstract: I give a pedagogical introduction to gauge theories, and how they appear in the theory of strong
interactions, where quarks and gluons form neutrons, protons, and other particles. I make several historical detours, to emphasize how the lore of "As everyone who is anyone knows..." has failed in physics. A brief overview of results from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider will be...
Abstract: After a general introduction to hadrons, quarks and QCD, I will focus on spin physics.
I give a brief overview of spin in quantum mechanics and in particle physics.
I then introduce the physics of the proton spin. I explain the puzzle concerning the origin of proton spin and our past, present and future efforts to solve this puzzle.
I will give an introduction into the exciting field of quantum computation and quantum simulation from the perspective of a nuclear theorists.
My goal is to convince you that this potentially is the very beginning of a new era, where theorists may be able to compute things that had been impossible before.
I will highlight the many connections between high energy and nuclear,...
Abstract: Di-leptons and photons are a crucial probe of the strongly interacting matter created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Leptons and photons are produced during the whole evolution of the created matter and can traverse the medium with minimal interactions. Different kinematics of dilepton pairs (mass and transverse momentum ranges) can selectively probe the properties of...
Abstract:Understanding the properties of nuclear matter and its emergence through the underlying partonic structure and dynamics of quarks and gluons requires a new experimental facility in hadronic physics known as the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). The EIC will address some of the most profound questions concerning the emergence of nuclear properties by precisely imaging gluons and quarks...
Abstract: Big physics experiments, like the Electron Ion Collider, DUNE and the Large Hadron Collider experiments at CERN, present many technical challenges, one of which is computing. This talk will use the ATLAS experiment at the LHC as an example to explain why computing is so important in our physics experiments, and how we use computing resources around the world to get from the raw...