Also see notes from Stephen on PID in Delphes discussion
Brian Page
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Notes for the Discussion:
- PID systems: an mRICH (backward/lepton direction), a barrel DIRC, and a dual RICH (forward/hadron direction).
- Implemented using Yellow Report-era EICUG tools ("PID Code") which returns nSigma separation for a particle with a given (p,theta) under a certain hypothesis pair (e.g. K/pi or K/proton).
- Run PID Code -> feed it particles across a range of (p,theta) -> use accept/reject method to compute efficiency given nSigma -> generate IdentificationMap objects in Delphes.
- These are already available in, particularly in the delphes_card_allsilicon_3T.tcl card.
- Planned studies
- Sekula: charm jets and use of kaon ID to assess jet tagging performance
- Elke suggested overlaying on the Delphes ID maps an additional matrix of performance degradation with the number of tracks within a certain spatial region of each single track -> good to do item -> look to LHCb for guidance on this.