NSF - EIC Information exchange Meeting


Goal: discuss the status and experimental programs of the EIC, and discuss a mutually beneficial working relationship between NSF, EIC and NSF-Funded PIs. 


NSF                       Allena Opper, Bogdan Mihaila 

EIC Project          Jim Yeck, Elke Aschenauer, Rolf Ent 

NSF PIs                 Fatiha Benmokhtar, Ed Brash, Renee Fatemi, Tanja Horn, Yordanka Ilieva, Rosi Reed, Scott Wissink 

Join ZoomGov Meeting: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1615232359?pwd=Q3pLcTloTEo2NXppM0UzZGlIbHF1Zz09

Meeting ID: 161 523 2359

Passcode: 389654



    • 1
      EIC Status and Schedule
      Speaker: James Yeck (University of Wisconsin-Madison and Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 2
      Detector development and selection process
      Speakers: Dr E. C. Aschenauer (BNL), Rolf Ent (Jefferson Lab)
    • 3
      View from NSF-funded PIs in EICUG
      Speaker: NSF PIs
    • 4
      International programs
      Speaker: Dr Allena Opper
    • 5

      Possibilities and paths toward NSF support for EIC detectors to enable a well-defined scope of research.

      Speaker: All