1:00 PM
LEReC Cooling experiments for high-energy cooling and EIC
Alexei Fedotov
(Collider-Accelerator Department, BNL)
1:20 PM
CeC cooling experiments
Yichao Jing
1:40 PM
E-lens related experiments
Xiaofeng Gu
(Collider Accelerator Department, BNL)
2:00 PM
Radial Shift Demonstration
Guillaume Robert-Demolaize
2:35 PM
Decoupling Test for EIC
Yun Luo
2:55 PM
Spin transparency mode test
Vasiliy Morozov
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
3:15 PM
Broad band impedance measurement
Michael Blaskiewicz
3:35 PM
RF Beam Loading Mitigation
Kevin S Smith
3:55 PM
Discussions: any topics related to APEX