9:00 AM
Precision study for CGC in forward hadron productions
Bowen Xiao
9:20 AM
Lessons from the BEST collaboration
Swagato Mukherjee
9:40 AM
Lessons from the TMD collaboration
Jianwei Qiu
10:00 AM
Forward dihadron correlation in pA collisions at RHIC
Xiaoxuan Chu
10:12 AM
Probing gluon number density at Electron Ion Collider
Krzysztof Kutak
10:24 AM
Pseudo and quasi gluon PDF in the BFKL approximation
Giovanni Chirilli
10:36 AM
eHIJING event generator for probing small-x gluon in nuclei
Weiyao Ke
10:48 AM
Dijet impact factor in DIS at NLO
Paul Caucal