The meeting will be in hybrid mode with presentations in the 510 Large Seminar room and room 510-2-160 for the executive committee, with zoom connections set up for both locations (see below). This arrangement might change depending on social distancing requirements at the time of the meeting,
Please note the following COVID-19 protocols in effect at BNL:
Masks are required for all in-person meetings, regardless of a person's vaccination status.
Social distancing (space greater than 6 feet) will be required.
Proof of a negative test result within 3 days before your arrival at the lab is required for outside guests. In addition to lab or pharmacy testing, home tests will be considered acceptable for proof of a negative test. Please be sure to have your test results on you, in case someone requests to see it.
Topic: NPP 2022 PAC Meeting - General
Time: Jun 2-3, 2022
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Meeting ID: 161 106 1797
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Meeting ID: 161 106 1797
Passcode: 521875
Topic: NPP 2022 PAC Meeting - Executive Session
Time: Jun 2-3, 2022
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Meeting ID: 160 679 9968
Passcode: 688971
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Meeting ID: 160 679 9968
Passcode: 688971
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Meeting ID: 160 679 9968
Passcode: 688971