Xionghong He
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
07/06/2022, 09:00
Ashish Pandav
(National Institute of Science Education and Research)
07/06/2022, 09:20
Xiujun Li
(University of Science and Technology of China)
07/06/2022, 09:40
Bill Li
(Stony Brook University),
Wenliang Li
(Stony Brook University CFNS)
07/06/2022, 09:50
Mayank Singh
(University of Minnesota)
07/06/2022, 10:30
Maneesha Sushama Pradeep
(University of Illinois at Chicago)
07/06/2022, 10:50
Richard Trotta
(The Catholic University of America)
07/06/2022, 11:05
Jan Hammelmann
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
07/06/2022, 11:10
Wenbin Zhao
(Wayne State University)
07/06/2022, 12:15
Dien Nguyen
Dien Nguyen
07/06/2022, 12:30
Nicole Lewis
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
07/06/2022, 12:40
Sooraj Radhakrishnan,
Sooraj Radhakrishnan
(Kent State University/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
07/06/2022, 12:55
Chuan Sun
(Stony Brook University)
07/06/2022, 13:05
Kong Tu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory),
Zhoudunming Tu
07/06/2022, 13:40
Maya Shimomura
(nara women's university)
07/06/2022, 13:45
Willian M. Serenone
(Universidade de São Paulo)
07/06/2022, 14:10
Joseph Adams
(Ohio State University)
07/06/2022, 14:35
Jin Huang
(Brookhaven National Lab)
07/06/2022, 15:00
Longgang Pang
07/06/2022, 15:05
Yasser Corrales Morales
07/06/2022, 15:35
Denis Boyda
(Argonne National Laboratory)
07/06/2022, 16:15
Daniel Brandenburg
(Brookhaven National Laboratory),
James Daniel Brandenburg
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
07/06/2022, 16:45
Denis Boyda
(Argonne National Laboratory),
James Daniel Brandenburg
(Brookhaven National Laboratory),
LongGang Pang
(Department of physics, UC Berkeley),
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
(Yale University and BNL),
Yasser Corrales Morales
Yihui Ren
07/06/2022, 17:15
E. C. Aschenauer
Rolf Ent
(Jefferson Lab)
08/06/2022, 09:10
Xuan Li
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
08/06/2022, 09:40
Alexander Jentsch
(Brookhaven National Lab)
08/06/2022, 10:50
Alexandre Camsonne
Jeff Landgraf
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
08/06/2022, 11:10
Deepali Sharma
(Georgia State University)
08/06/2022, 12:45
Nicole Apadula
08/06/2022, 13:40
Weiyao Ke
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
08/06/2022, 13:40
Tanja Horn
(Catholic University)
08/06/2022, 13:55
Sourav Tarafdar
(Vanderbilt University)
08/06/2022, 14:10
Pietro Antonioli
(INFN - sezione di Bologna)
08/06/2022, 14:25
Zhenyu Ye
(University of Illinois at Chicago)
08/06/2022, 14:40
Sarah McKagan
(American Association of Physics Teachers)
08/06/2022, 15:00
Christine Nattrass
(University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
08/06/2022, 15:25
Astrid Morreale
(DOE Office of Nuclear Physics)
08/06/2022, 15:50
Paul Sorensen
(DOE Office of Nuclear Physics)
08/06/2022, 16:15
Dina Myers Stroud
(Vanderbilt University),
Frank Geurts
(Rice University),
Mark Harvey
(Texas Southern University),
Mickey Chiu
(Brookhaven National Lab),
Paul Gueye
(Michigan State University),
Rene Bellwied
(University of Houston)
08/06/2022, 16:45
The panel, moderated by Mr. Noel Blackburn (BNL), will feature several researchers and educators with a track record of mentoring students from underrepresented minority (URM) communities in physics classrooms, in research, and in pursuing physics careers. The discussion will focus on both increasing the number of URMs in physics majors and on building inclusive environments that level the...
Haiyan Gao
(BNL, Associate Laboratory Director, Nuclear and Particle Physics )
09/06/2022, 09:00
Timothy Hallman
(Department of Energy, Associate Director of the Office of Science for Nuclear Physics )
09/06/2022, 09:25
James Sowinski
(Department of Energy, Nuclear Physics Facilities, Program Manager)
09/06/2022, 09:50
Daniel Cebra
(University of California, Davis)
09/06/2022, 10:00
Vincent Schoefer
(Brookhaven National Lab, CAD)
09/06/2022, 10:45
Zilong Chang
(CEEM, Indiana University)
09/06/2022, 11:10
Cesar da Silva
(Los Alamos National Lab)
09/06/2022, 11:35
Takafumi Niida
(Univ. of Tsukuba)
09/06/2022, 12:00
Allena K. Opper
(National Science Foundation, Program Director)
09/06/2022, 13:30
Kenneth Hicks
(Department of Energy, Program Manager, Heavy Ion Nuclear Physics)
09/06/2022, 13:55
Haiyan Gao
(BNL, Associate Laboratory Director, Nuclear and Particle Physics )
09/06/2022, 14:20
Robert Tribble
(BNL, Deputy Director for Science and Technology, Director's Office)
09/06/2022, 14:25
Niveditha Ramasubramanian
(Stony Book University)
09/06/2022, 14:30
Krista Smith
09/06/2022, 14:40
09/06/2022, 15:30
Will be held at this link: https://indico.bnl.gov/event/15827
Evan Finch
(Southern Connecticut State University)
10/06/2022, 09:00
Cameron Dean
10/06/2022, 09:25
James Yeck
((Brookhaven National Laboratory, Associate Laboratory Director, Electron-Ion Collider)
10/06/2022, 09:50
Michael Blaskiewicz
10/06/2022, 10:45
Bernd Surrow
(Temple University)
10/06/2022, 11:10
John Lajoie
(Iowa State University)
10/06/2022, 11:35
Noel Blackburn
(BNL, Chief Diversity Officer, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
10/06/2022, 13:30
Thomas Daniels
(BNL, Associate Laboratory Director, Facilities and Operations )
10/06/2022, 13:55
Christine Nattrass
(University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
10/06/2022, 14:20
Christine Nattrass
(University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
10/06/2022, 14:45
Derek Anderson
(Texas A&M University)
10/06/2022, 14:50