Mar 9 – 11, 2016
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Physics Department
US/Eastern timezone
2.5 day workshop on lattice gauge theories.
Group photo:
Video streaming:
The progress of supercomputers is so intense that humans nowadays can simulate realistic worlds of nature with certain accuracy in countless scientific and engineering areas. In recent years, we have been experiencing the petaflop era of computing. Countries have invested substantial amount of fund and developmental efforts onto the state-of-the-art supercomputing technologies. Scientists have observed the results from the cutting-edge machines flourish. Especially, these powerful supercomputers enable the lattice QCD community to quantitatively tackle numerous fundamental physics problems together with significant progresses in high-energy experiments, such as LHC. Now that the development of the supercomputers is being accelerated toward next exaflop machines, researchers all over the world should gather, summarize current physics results and discuss the coming exascale computing.
The topic of this workshop consists of broad range of subjects on the lattice QCD, including theoretical aspects, various large-scale numerical calculations, simulation algorithm and software environmental developments, where all these achievements are essential to successfully weave up the future lattice QCD.
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Physics Department
Bldg. 510, Large Seminar Room
Upton, New York, USA
Workshop registration deadline: February 19 February 24
**BNL Guest Registration**
All guests (U.S. and Non-U.S. Citizens) visiting BNL and/or planning to stay on-site must complete a BNL Guest Registration Form and be approved in the BNL Guest Information System (GIS). Please click on the following link to access the BNL Guest Registration Form. Approvals can take up to 30 days to be received so please submit as soon as possible. For questions regarding registration requirements for Non-BNL/DOE and Non-U.S. Citizen attendees, please contact the event coordinator, Nicole Kelly, at, or (631) 344-3807.

Presentations will be mainly by invitation. We expect to be able to accommodate a limited number of contributed talks. If you are interested in presenting a contributed talk, please contact one of the workshop organizers directly.
Organizers: Tomomi Ishikawa (RBRC), Taku Izubuchi (RBRC/BNL), Chulwoo Jung (BNL), Yoshinobu Kuramashi (Tsukuba/RIKEN-AICS), Christoph Lehner (BNL), Hiroshi Ohki (RBRC), Hiroshi Ohno (Tsukuba/BNL), Takeshi Yamazaki (Tsukuba)
Workshop secretary: Nicole Kelly (