18–19 Jul 2022
Physics Building
US/Pacific timezone

Investigation of Vector Meson Backward-Production Capabilities at the EIC

Not scheduled
Room 432 (Physics Building)

Room 432

Physics Building

University of California, Davis


Zachary Sweger (University of California, Davis)


Backward (u-channel) production of vector mesons in ep collisions is characterized by a final state consisting of a nearly-stopped proton and a vector meson with a large forward momentum. In conventional (forward, t-channel) production, the momentum transfer from the proton to the meson is small and is modeled by pomeron-exchange trajectories. The less well-understood u-channel production is modeled by a baryon-exchange trajectory and can provide unique insight into the nucleon wave function and inform contributions to baryon stopping in heavy-ion collisions. The Electron-Ion Collider presents the nuclear physics community with an opportunity to measure u-channel production at higher center-of-mass energies than previously available. Measurements of backward-production events require far-forward detectors for observing high-rapidity mesons. eSTARlight, a code for modeling vector-meson production, is used to simulate backward-production events at the EIC. Several production channels will be analyzed at the known EIC collision energies, and detection capabilities for proposed detector designs will be assessed.

Primary author

Zachary Sweger (University of California, Davis)

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