November 29, 2022 to December 2, 2022
Wang Center, Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

Scintillating Bubble Chambers for Rare Event Searches

Nov 30, 2022, 10:55 AM
Lecture Hall 1 (Wang Center)

Lecture Hall 1

Wang Center

Contribution Talk WG3: Noble Element Detectors WG3: Noble Element Detectors


Benjamin Broerman (Queen's University)


The Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) collaboration will combine the well-established liquid argon and bubble chamber technologies to search for GeV-scale dark matter and the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering from MeV reactor neutrinos. SBC detectors benefit from the excellent electron-recoil insensitivity inherent in bubble chambers with the addition of energy reconstruction provided from the scintillation signal. The targeted nuclear recoil threshold is 100 eV, made possible by the high level of superheat attainable in noble liquids while remaining electron-recoil insensitive. Two functionally-identical, 10 kg detectors are being built. SBC-LAr10, under construction at Fermilab, will be used for engineering and calibration studies and a potential measurement of the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering on argon. A low-background version, SBC-SNOLAB, for the dark matter search will be operated at SNOLAB. Details of the design and status of the SBC-LAr10 and SBC-SNOLAB detectors will be presented.

Primary author

Benjamin Broerman (Queen's University)

Presentation materials