November 29, 2022 to December 2, 2022
Wang Center, Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

Tests of an MCP-PMT with an Active Ion Barrier

Dec 1, 2022, 11:55 AM
Room 201 (Wang Center)

Room 201

Wang Center

Contribution Talk WG7: Photon Detectors (incl. CCDs) WG7: Photon Detectors (incl. CCDs)


Prof. Andrew Brandt (University of Texas, Arlington)


Micro Channel Plate (MCP) Photomultiplier Tubes (MCP-PMTs) are photon detectors with many useful characteristics, such as high gain, single photon detection efficiency, precise timing resolution, and the capability of operating in strong magnetic fields without performance degradation. The quantum efficiency of the photocathode of the MCP-PMTs, however, is known to degrade due to “positive-ion feedback,” positive ions liberated from the pores and accelerated back towards the photocathode. Coating the MCP pores using Atomic Layer deposition has shown tremendous potential in prolonging the MCP-PMT lifetime. Here, we report on tests of an alternate method of reducing positive-ion feedback developed by Photonis, Inc.--an active ion barrier grid that redirects the liberated positive ions toward the MCP using an opposing electric field.

Primary author

Prof. Andrew Brandt (University of Texas, Arlington)

Presentation materials