November 29, 2022 to December 2, 2022
Wang Center, Stony Brook University
US/Eastern timezone

Cosmology with Line-Intensity Mapping using On-Chip Spectrometers and SPT-SLIM

Nov 30, 2022, 2:55 PM
Room 201 (Wang Center)

Room 201

Wang Center

Contribution Talk WG8: Cross Cutting Topics Cross Cutting Topics


Adam Anderson (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)


Line-intensity mapping (LIM) at millimeter wavelengths is a powerful emerging probe of the large-scale structure of the Universe, but achieving meaningful constraints on cosmological parameters with LIM requires focal planes with orders of magnitudes more detectors than existing instruments. SPT-SLIM is an upcoming experiment to demonstrate LIM observations of CO at 0.5 < z < 2.0 using on-chip spectrometers with kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs), a new technology that enables scaling to the much larger arrays of detectors needed to probe cosmology. I will present the overall experimental design and specific goals of SPT-SLIM, as well as several innovations in readout electronics and detectors that it will test in the field when it deploys to the South Pole Telescope in 2023. In addition, I will highlight the long-term science goals enabled by on-chip spectrometers and millimeter-wavelength LIM, including the potential to constrain dark energy, neutrino masses, and primordial non-gaussianity.

Primary author

Adam Anderson (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)


Dr Kirit Karkare (University of Chicago / FNAL) Dr Erik Shirokoff (University of Chicago) Dr Peter Barry (Cardiff University) Dr Bradford Benson (FNAL / University of Chicago) Dr Tom Cecil (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Clarence Chang (Argonne National Laboratory / University of Chicago) Dr Matt Dobbs (McGill University) Dr Matt Hollister (FNAL) Dr Garrett Keating (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) Dr Daewook Kim (University of Arizona) Dr Dan Marrone (University of Arizona) Dr Jeff McMahon (University of Chicago / FNAL) Dr Felipe Menanteau (University of Illinois) Dr Zhaodi Pan (Argonne National Laboratory) Mr Gethin Robson (Cardiff University) Ms Maclean Rouble (McGill University) Dr Sara Simon (FNAL) Dr Joaquin Vieira (University of Illinois)

Presentation materials