Early Career Plenary
- Petra Merkel (Fermilab)
Presentation materials
Liquid xenon time projection chambers are promising detectors to search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0
Highly granular pixel detectors allow for increasingly precise measurements of charged particle tracks, both in space and time. A reduction in pixel size by a factor of four in next-generation detectors will lead to unprecedented data rates, exceeding those foreseen at the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider. Signal processing within one bunch crossing clock cycle and smart data reduction...
Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) are thin silicon detectors with moderate internal signal amplification, providing time resolution of <20 ps for minimum ionizing particles. LGADs are the key silicon sensor technology for the timing detectors of the CMS and ATLAS experiments in the High-Luminosity LHC. In addition, their fast rise time and short full charge collection time (as low as 1 ns)...
Finding evidence of neutrinoless double beta decay would reveal the Majorana nature of the
neutrino and give insight into the origins of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe,
the smallness of neutrino mass, and the symmetry structure of the Standard Model. The NEXT
collaboration is developing a sequence of high pressure xenon gas time projection chambers
with the aim of creating...
Recoil-imaging gas TPCs with MPGD charge readout are promising detector candidates for directional dark matter searches beneath the neutrino fog. In a future directional dark matter detector, head/tail recognition efficiency is expected to be one of the most important performance metrics for using directionality to reject solar neutrino backgrounds and establish the galactic origin of dark...
A major hurdle in searches for sub-GeV particle-like dark matter is demonstrating sufficiently low energy detection thresholds in order to detect recoils from light dark matter particles. Many detector concepts have been proposed to achieve this goal, which often include novel detector target media or sensor technology. A universal challenge in understanding the signals from these new...
We are conducting R&D on advanced calorimetry techniques based on scintillation and wavelength-shifting technologies and photosensor (SiPM and SiPM-like) technology. In particular, we are focusing our attention on ultra-compact radiation hard EM calorimeters, based on modular structures (RADiCAL modules) consisting of alternating layers of very dense absorber and scintillating plates, read out...