EPIC Tracking Working Group weekly meeting

Francesco Bossu (CEA-Saclay), Kondo Gnanvo (Jefferson Lab), Laura Gonella (University of Birmingham), Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

The EIC-project tracking working group weekly meeting.

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Recording: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/rec/share/SWcgwI1W-dXexTT79n7aqG3StH1Kv1d4fYyM7tlZ9Rky2CUmVAJk8PXUN0RFP4Yd.M-yShIW8tpr1abbF 

Meeting minutes:

1. Tracking studies using fast simulation and DD4HEP reported by Shyam

Implement the Mini-TPC in fast simulation and studied the track momentum resolution and DCAxy resolution at eta=0. Carried out the material budget scan in the barrel region for different tracking layers such as MAPS based silicon tracker and MPGD layers. Plan to work on the hit map, eta map, event display, track finding and fitting.

2. Joint tracking and calorimeter discussions:

Three different calorimeter configurations in the barrel region have been presented by Friederike for the Calorimeter WG. Different options could create new spaces for additional tracker layers. We have discussed about the possibility to moving DIRC and AC-LGAD layer further out. Due to the constraints from the cost and redesign challenges, we will keep the inner tracker configurations and check whether additional tracker layers behind DIRC will help the track reconstruction and improve the track pointing resolution after DIRC. Follow up simulation studies are needed.

3. Tracking following studies:

I) Simulation tasks:

a) List the current tracking algorithms in DD4HEP

b) tracking pattern recognition development status

c) Background embedding status

d) Study the reconstruction of decaying particles, i.e. charm, K_short, Lambda_c, Lambda and so on.

e) Joint tracking and calorimeter studies: Focus on the pseudorapidity region of -4<eta<-3 and 3<eta<4, study the tracking resolution, efficiency and number of hits for reconstructed tracking in fine eta bins (e.g., -3.25<eta<3, suggested eta seperation is less than 0.5).

II) Technical inputs from eRD groups or detector consortiums to prepare for the technical report:

technology feature, R&D status and plan, cost, risk etc.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.