GD/I WG: Electron-going RICH


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Backward region integration

Elke described the challenges and open issues on the backward region, in particular:

  • If a backward TOF is included, this would reduce the tracking envelope by 10 cm.

  • In case of a LAPPD readout, the TOF could be integrated with the mRICH.

  • Power dissipation of LGAD TOF is anticipated to be 7kW, which could reduce the performance of the backward ECAL whose crystals are very sensitive to temperature.

  • A backward TOF also increases the material budget in front of the ECAL.

- Discussion about the TOF coverage with LAPPD readout ⇨ we need simulation results to provide a clear and quantitative answer.

- TOF WG suggests that the pixel size can be increased and power dissipation reduced to an acceptable level. However, no simulations are yet available to quantify this.

- TOF WG proposes to include a backward TOF in the simulation campaign in order to best understand the constraints and impacts of it in the performance of EPIC.

mRICH status

Significant progress since the proposal submission:

  • Reduced material budget.

  • Optimized geometry (semi-projective), support structure…

  • Investigating by simulation the usage of thicker aerogel for better photon yield.

  • Working on getting things ready for the simulation campaign.

  • Results from beam test soon.


Some progress recently:

  • Integration into EPIC with help of project engineers.

  • Introducing the pfRICH in DD4hep; dRICH software can also be used for pfRICH reconstruction.

  • Aerogel boundary and mechanical holder not yet in simulation. From past experience, their impact in performance can be handled during reconstruction.

  • Envelope 54cm thick (~5cm thinner than ATHENA) expected to be sufficient for similar performance.

  • LAPPD beam test at Fermilab last June, data analysis in progress; testing at lower energies will happen at a later time.

However, the workforce is lacking for this subsystem. Currently, no EPIC collaborators are actively working on this design. This needs urgent attention if we want to consider this option seriously.

Setups for October simulation campaign

The proposal from the GD/I group for the 2 simulation setups previously presented was discussed again. In light of earlier discussions during this meeting, a decision is taken not to include a backward TOF in the current simulation campaign. Instead, it is recommended to develop stand-alone simulations with the backward TOF to guide the choice of pixel size needed and get guidance on material budget and services required for this subsystem.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      RICH Detector Envelope
      Speakers: E. C. Aschenauer (BNL), Roland Wimmer, Rolf Ent (Jefferson Lab)
    • 09:15
    • 2
      Speaker: Grzegorz Kalicy (CUA)
    • 3
      Speakers: Murad Sarsour (Georgia State University), Murad Sarsour (Georgia State University)
    • 4
      Speaker: Alexander Kiselev (BNL)
    • 10:15
    • 5
      Integrating simulation setups for Oct campaign
    • 10:45