EPIC Tracking Working Group weekly meeting

Francesco Bossu (CEA-Saclay), Kondo Gnanvo (Jefferson Lab), Laura Gonella (University of Birmingham), Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

The EIC-project tracking working group weekly meeting.

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Meeting ID: 161 129 3049
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1. Disks acceptance studies / Different pixel pitch studies by Stephen:

Studied the track acceptance/efficiency with the new disk design (https://indico.bnl.gov/event/17073/) and compared the acceptance with the Rmin (beampipe+5mm) and Rlow (full acceptance with this design) as the minimum radius of the disk. See acceptance drop of track pseudorapidity > 3.2. Suggest to perform companion with other ongoing studies in the EPIC default software and cross check the material budget set. Discussed the options (such as sensor stitch or stave rotation) to recover the acceptance loss.

As the ITS3 prototype sensor has the pixel pitch at 15 and 18 micron, studied the track performance with different silicon pixel pitches of10, 15, 18 micron and compare the relative changes in the momentum resolution and DCA_T resolution in different pseudorapidity regions. In the low momentum (p<10 GeV/c), no significant difference in momentum resolutions with different pixel pitches (10-18 micron).

2. Update on Tracking Studies using DD4HEP by Shyam:

The EPIC tracking geometry which include the MAPS basded Si, MPGD, AC-LGAD, DIRC and related support structure has been implemented in DD4HEP. Started with the track acceptance evaluation w/ and w/o material map in different pseudorapidity regions with single particle simulation. The 1.7 magnetic field has been done via scaling right now. Presented the pT dependent track efficiency (acceptance) in different pseudorapidity region.

Suggested to study the momentum (p) dependence. Suggest to implement some track quality cuts (e.g, requiring tracks to contain at least 3 hits) to evaluate the track acceptance and resolutions. Suggest to check whether the Kalman fitter is implemented properly.

3. Track finding studies oral update by Yue Shi Lai:

Completed the migration of the tracking finding algorithm in DD4HEP and further debugging in the forward/backward track finding is underway, will report in the next meeting.

We are seeking inputs from EIC Si Consortium, MPGD Consortium and the tracking related eRD groups for the tracking detector related cables, service part and integration status and requests.

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