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- Indico Weeks View
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Slides and recording available at https://indico.bnl.gov/event/17568/
October Simulation Campaign - Joe Osborn (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Overview :
A test sample of single particle simulation ready. Communicated through conveners on early evaluations.
Magnet material was received from the project. Also, calorimeter support (~1cm steel) was included in the barrel calorimeter stack.
Software is containerized, expect to be able to use grid computing and resources at the host labs.
Tracking reconstruction - Wenqing Fan (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Overview :
It will be very useful to reference and list the simulation setup used in future talks, in particular given that multiple factors have changed and can influence tracking performance.
Outer MPGD in Arches is set at r = 73 cm, this sits just behind the DIRC. It is not used in current tracking (not expected to be useful in tracking other than DIRC projection).
A single Gaussian fit is used to determine resolution. Suggest contacting Cris Fanelli's team, who has a detailed study on quantifying multi-Gaussian components for tracking performance
Simple digitization is used for now. ITS3 MAPS undergoing test beam with non-normal indenting beam to develop and verify its digitization model.
Joe Osborn suggests follow up discussion on better seeding tracking parameter estimation to help improve finding fitting performance
Related detectors in simulation:
Alexander K.: dRICH total thickness needs study in relation to the final quantum efficiency of the photo sensors.
The TOF setup used 30um resolution with stripped readout in the barrel. More detail will be discussed in the next GDI meeting: https://indico.bnl.gov/event/17606/