ePIC Tracking Working Group weekly meeting

Francesco Bossu (CEA-Saclay), Kondo Gnanvo (Jefferson Lab), Laura Gonella (University of Birmingham), Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

The EIC-project tracking working group weekly meeting.

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Meeting ID: 161 129 3049
Passcode: 394550

1. New ePIC management plan:

Please take a look at the posted ePIC management plan by John and Silvia below:


Please join upcoming ePIC general meetings for discussions and feedback.


2. Event display with hsf/phoenix by Sakib:

Sakib provided the step by step introducion aobut how to use the phoenix to perform the event displacy with the ePIC detector geometry via the website and locally. Plan to create a default geometry view for ePIC. Suggest to write a python script to draw the event display with a simple interface.

3. Event display (root based) tutorial by Shyam:
Shyam presented the step by step tutorial to draw geometry from a root/GDML file. Codes posted on GitHub and plan to transport to the ePIC collaboration repository. A follow up email has been sent with the code location and how to run the code.
4. Update on track reconstruction status by Shujie:
Shujie highlighted the recent development for the ePIC tracking reconstruction.
Work underway: working on the realistic seeding implementation in ACTS.
To finish: Optimize the ACTS seed finding/filter and extract he track information such No. of hits and Chi2 frmo the ACTS
Discussed the hit selection in the tracking finding and fitting, the track output and MCParticle-HIt association. For multiple hit scenario, propose solutions  to reject secondaries by quality and index values and plan to develop the clusterization algorithm in the ACTS.
Suggest to develop the tracking finding from outside to inside. 
Suggest to include the support strucutre and cables in the event display as well. 
Sugges to tune the energy threhosld for different detector subsystems.


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.