In this brief presentation, I will discuss ideas on how to improve the review process for new ideas including new projects, including: (1) double-blind review for concepts being proposed by individual PIs or small consortia instead of large collaborations, which will help with DEI enormously according to published studies, (2) institution of a new rebuttal round, along with answers to reviewers from the previous cycle permitted and encouraged as well, (3) clear budget guidance in tight fiscal times especially for R&D consortia, (4) better support for truly interdisciplinary endeavors, including going outside of physics, (5) more direct encouragement of community engagement, (6) less multiplication of regulations and appendices, and (7) a miscellaneous/other or blue-sky category for R&D which does not fit within an established category. The two examples used in this talk will be the snowball chamber (Instrumentation) and the Noble Element Simulation Technique or NEST (Computation).