12–14 Apr 2023
Brookhaven National Laboratory
America/New_York timezone

How to Accelerate Future Innovation in the Instrumentation and Computational Frontiers, and Everywhere

Not scheduled
Berkner Hall (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Berkner Hall

Brookhaven National Laboratory


In this brief presentation, I will discuss ideas on how to improve the review process for new ideas including new projects, including: (1) double-blind review for concepts being proposed by individual PIs or small consortia instead of large collaborations, which will help with DEI enormously according to published studies, (2) institution of a new rebuttal round, along with answers to reviewers from the previous cycle permitted and encouraged as well, (3) clear budget guidance in tight fiscal times especially for R&D consortia, (4) better support for truly interdisciplinary endeavors, including going outside of physics, (5) more direct encouragement of community engagement, (6) less multiplication of regulations and appendices, and (7) a miscellaneous/other or blue-sky category for R&D which does not fit within an established category. The two examples used in this talk will be the snowball chamber (Instrumentation) and the Noble Element Simulation Technique or NEST (Computation).

Primary author

Matthew Szydagis (The University at Albany, SUNY)

Presentation materials

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