Abhay Deshpande
(Stony Brook University & BNL),
Or Hen
06/07/2023, 09:00
Christoph Montag
06/07/2023, 09:25
Haixin Huang
(Brookhaven National Lab)
06/07/2023, 09:50
Pawel Nadel-Turonski
(CFNS Stony Brook University)
06/07/2023, 11:50
Niseem (Magdy) Abdelrahman
(CFNS, Stony Brook University)
06/07/2023, 14:25
Alexander Jentsch
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
06/07/2023, 16:00
Christian Weiss
(Jefferson Lab)
07/07/2023, 09:25
Shunzo Kumano
((Japan Women's University / KEK) )
07/07/2023, 09:50
Mark Strikman
(Penn State University)
07/07/2023, 10:55
Adam Freese
(Jefferson Lab)
07/07/2023, 14:00
Stan Brodsky
07/07/2023, 14:25
Douglas Higinbotham
(Jefferson Lab)
07/07/2023, 14:50
I will go through the basics of spin precession in storage rings and for fixed target facilities from an experimental physicists point of view. The goal to leave the audience with a basic understanding of "magic energies", "siberian snakes" and why polarized deuterons are much harder to manipulate then protons and 3he.
Christoph Montag
Christoph Montag