8:00 AM
Michael Zerkle
(Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory)
8:05 AM
Validation of ENDF/B-VIII.1(beta 2) Files
Noah Kleedtke
8:25 AM
Validating ENDF/B-VIII.1beta2 with LLNL pulsed-sphere and EUCLID experiments
Denise Neudecker
(Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division)
8:35 AM
NNL Validation Testing of ENDF/B-VIII.1(beta2)
Adam Ney
8:55 AM
Testing of candidate evaluations for ENDF/B-VIII.1b3 in burnup calculations
Andrej Trkov
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
9:15 AM
Multi-Application Validation of ENDF/B-VIII.1
Jesse Brown
9:35 AM
ENDF/B-VIII.1β2 Testing with the VALID Library at ORNL
William Marshall
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
10:05 AM
SCALE/MCNP testing of ENDF8.1 for reactor benchmarks
Kemal Ramic
(Oak Ridge National Lab)
10:25 AM
E8R1 Beta2 Testing in Studsvik’s CASMO5 Lattice Physics Code
Charles Wemple
(Studsvik Scandpower Inc.)
10:30 AM
Fast Criticality Benchmark Testing of ENDF/B-VIII.1 beta2
Mark Cornock
10:40 AM
Validation of ENDF/b-VIII.1beta2 in GNDS format with Mercury
Marie-Anne Descalle
10:50 AM
Feedback on ENDF/B-VIII.1b2 on a selection of Benchmarks
Oscar Cabellos
11:05 AM
ENDF/B-VIII.1(beta2) testing for Fusion Applications
Tim Bohm
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
11:15 AM
Examination Beryllium Scattering using RPI Quasi-Differential Measurements with Current ENDF Evaluations
Adam Daskalakis
(Naval Nuclear Laboratory)
11:25 AM
ORNL TSL Valiation for ENDF/B-VIII.1
Chris Chapman
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
11:45 AM
Zirconium Hydride TSL Validation
Ingrid Švajger