1:30 PM
MF=34 format and O-16 covariance testing
Nathan Gibson
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
1:50 PM
Pu-9, U-5, U-8
Kent Parsons
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
2:05 PM
Covariance ADVANCE testing
Brown David
(NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
2:20 PM
Covariance LLNL testing
Robert Casperson
2:30 PM
Covariance Testing Progress for ENDF/B-VIII.1β1 at ORNL
William Marshall
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
2:55 PM
Covariance processing from ORNL + Ta-181
Jesse Brown
Jordan McDonnell
3:35 PM
Covariance testing and Update on 239Pu and 235U PFNS covariances
Denise Neudecker
(Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division)
Nathan Gibson
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Patrick Talou
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
3:55 PM
Full Energy Covariance Generation of Pb-208
Peter Brain
4:10 PM
Pu-9, U-5, U-3 RRR covariances
Marco Pigni
4:25 PM
n+239Pu covariance evaluation at LLNL
Konstantinos Kravvaris
Kyle Wendt
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
4:35 PM
INDEN Covariances
Andrej Trkov
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
4:45 PM
Pu-9(n,f) cross section covariances
Georg Schnabel