29 February 2024 to 1 March 2024
University of California, Riverside
US/Pacific timezone

Update on u-channel EIC Analyses

29 Feb 2024, 15:55
Meeting Room K106/108 (Glen Mor)

Meeting Room K106/108

Glen Mor


Zachary Sweger (University of California, Davis)


Backward ($u$-channel) meson production and DVCS results in baryons undergoing large momentum transfers. These reactions are interesting for their potential to provide insight on the mechanisms behind baryon stopping, and the nature of the baryon number inside the proton. We report an update on various $u$-channel physics simulations for the EIC, including a short summary report on our backward DVCS paper, and the status of several physics benchmarks in preparation for the ePIC TDR.

Primary author

Zachary Sweger (University of California, Davis)

Presentation materials