California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting 2024

Glen Mor Meeting Room (University of California, Riverside)

Glen Mor Meeting Room

University of California, Riverside

400 W Big Springs Rd, Riverside, CA 92507
Miguel Arratia (University of California, Riverside), Kenneth Barish (UC Riverside)

We are happy to announce that the California EIC Consortium Collaboration Meeting will be held at the University of California, Riverside on February 29-March 1, 2024. It will commence at 9 AM on  Thursday and conclude at 12:00 PM on Friday.

This is a great opportunity for researchers, scientists, and students in the field of Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) to come together and share their latest findings, as well as collaborate on new projects. We hope to see you there!

Meeting room: The meeting will be held in the "Glen Mor Meeting Room K106/K108". To get there, please see the directions tab.

Registration form
  • Ananya Paul
  • Barak Schmookler
  • Barbara Jacak
  • Beatrice Liang-Gilman
  • Benjamen Sterwerf
  • Brice Saunders
  • Congyue Zhang
  • Emma Yeats
  • Gang Wang
  • Huan Huang
  • Jani Penttala
  • JiaJun Huang
  • Kenneth Barish
  • Mathias Labonte
  • Mia Macias
  • Miguel Arratia
  • Miguel Rodriguez
  • Nihal Gozlukluoglu Karakus
  • Oleg Tsai
  • Owen Long
  • Peter Carney
  • Ron Soltz
  • Ryan Milton
  • Ryan Tsiao
  • Saeahram Yoo
  • Sean Preins
  • Tyler Hague
  • Yousef Abdelkadous
  • Yunshan Cheng
  • Zachary Sweger
  • Zhiwan Xu
  • Zhongling Ji
  • Ziyuan Zeng
  • Thursday, February 29
    • Thursday Morning: Overviews Meeting Room K106/108 (Glen Mor)

      Meeting Room K106/108

      Glen Mor

      • 1
        Speaker: Miguel Arratia (University of California, Riverside)
      • 2
        UCR Status & Plans
        Speaker: Miguel Arratia (University of California, Riverside)
      • 3
        UCLA Status & Plans
        Speakers: Huan Huang (UCLA), Zhongbo Kang (UCLA)
      • 4
        UCB & LBNL Status & Plans
        Speaker: Barbara Jacak (UC Berkeley and LBNL)
      • 5
        UCD Status & Plans
        Speaker: Daniel Cebra (University of California, Davis)
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee Break Meeting Room K106/108 (Glen Mor)

      Meeting Room K106/108

      Glen Mor

    • Thursday Morning: Calorimetry 1 Meeting Room K106/108 (Glen Mor)

      Meeting Room K106/108

      Glen Mor

      • 6
        Proton-going ECal design and simulations

        The proton-going Electromagnetic Calorimeter (pECal), situated in the Hadron Endcap alongside the forward Hadronic Calorimeter in the ePIC detector configuration, plays a crucial role in the ePIC scientific program for jet and photon/electron measurements. With an inner radius of 30 cm and an outer radius of 170 cm, the pECal spans a pseudorapidity range from 1.4 to 3.5.

        The pECal's primary function is to facilitate the identification of $\pi^0$ decay photons up to 50 GeV and the reconstruction of jets with good hadron compensation in the hadron-going direction. Utilizing a sampling calorimeter design with a W-powder/ScFiber (W/ScFi) structure, initially developed at UCLA, this compact configuration efficiently fits within limited space constraints. Notably, the pECal boasts good energy resolution and fine granularity, meeting the stringent requirements of the ePIC scientific program.

        During this presentation, I will show the pECal design and discuss the capabilities of the fECal in differentiating $\pi^0$ decay photons and identifying heavy-flavor jets from current simulations and machine-learning techniques.

        Speaker: Zhongling Ji (UCLA)
      • 7
        Measurement of characteristics of lightguides for forward EMcal for ePIC detector
        Speaker: YUNSHAN CHENG (UCLA)
      • 8
        Light yield studies for prototype calorimeter layers
        Speaker: Miguel Rodriguez (UCR)
      • 9
        Design and Performance of Insert-like ZDC
        Speaker: Ryan Milton (UCR)
    • 12:40 PM
      Lunch Glasgow Residential Restaurant

      Glasgow Residential Restaurant

    • Thursday Afternoon: Tracking 1 Meeting Room K106/108 (Glen Mor)

      Meeting Room K106/108

      Glen Mor

    • 3:25 PM
      Coffee Break Meeting Room K106/108 (Glen Mor)

      Meeting Room K106/108

      Glen Mor

    • Thursday Afternoon: Theory & Physics Performance Studies Meeting Room K106/108 (Glen Mor)

      Meeting Room K106/108

      Glen Mor

      • 13
        Update on u-channel EIC Analyses

        Backward ($u$-channel) meson production and DVCS results in baryons undergoing large momentum transfers. These reactions are interesting for their potential to provide insight on the mechanisms behind baryon stopping, and the nature of the baryon number inside the proton. We report an update on various $u$-channel physics simulations for the EIC, including a short summary report on our backward DVCS paper, and the status of several physics benchmarks in preparation for the ePIC TDR.

        Speaker: Zachary Sweger (University of California, Davis)
      • 14
        Jets as precision probes in Semi-Inclusive DIS events at the future Electron-Ion Collider

        To explore the potential Jet observable as a probe for the three-dimensional (3D)
        hadron structure encoded in transverse-momentum-dependent parton-distribution functions (TMD PDFs) and fragmentation functions (TMD FFs).

        Speaker: Nihal Gozlukluoglu (;exl;
      • 15
        Transverse energy-energy correlators in the Color-Glass Condensate

        Transverse energy-energy correlators (TEECs) are event-shape observables that can be used to study QCD by examining angular correlations between produced particles. As they are weighted by the energy of the particle, they are an infrared-safe observable that can be calculated to high accuracy. This makes TEECs a potentially useful tool in extracting the target structure in DIS and studying physics in the small-$x$ regime where saturation effects are believed to be important.

        In this talk, we will present results for TEECs in back-to-back electron-hadron production in the small-$x$ region of DIS [1]. We establish a factorization theorem given in terms of the hard function, soft function, TEEC jet function, and quark distribution. The quark distribution is written in terms of the small-$x$ dipole amplitudes which incorporate the saturation effects. By considering both proton and nuclear targets in DIS, we demonstrate that TEECs can be a powerful tool to understand gluon saturation and nuclear modification at the upcoming Electron-Ion Collider.

        [1] Zhongbo Kang, Jani Penttala, Fanyi Zhao, Yiyu Zhou, arXiv:2311.17142 [hep-ph]

        Speaker: JANI PENTTALA (UCLA)
      • 16
    • 6:30 PM
      Reception dinner Palm Courtyard

      Palm Courtyard

    • Friday Morning: Calorimetry 2 Meeting Room K106/108 (Glen Mor)

      Meeting Room K106/108

      Glen Mor

    • 10:15 AM
      Coffee Break Meeting Room K106/108 (Glen Mor)

      Meeting Room K106/108

      Glen Mor

    • Friday Morning: Tracking/Calorimetry Meeting Room K106/108 (Glen Mor)

      Meeting Room K106/108

      Glen Mor

      • 21
        Minimum-Ionizing Particle (MIP) Analysis Results
        Speaker: Chase Owen (UC Riverside)
      • 22
        ePIC SVT Air Cooling Studies - Status Update

        The LBNL and UC Berkeley groups have been studying the feasibility of air cooling the Silicon Vertex Tracker with different air distribution materials. I will present a status update on this work.

        Speaker: Tyler Hague (Berkeley Lab)
      • 23
        Status of realistic-seeded tracking in ePIC

        This would basically be similar to the TIC meeting summary talk I'll give on Monday Feb. 26th. Talk will be about 20 minutes long.

        Speaker: Barak Schmookler (UC Riverside)
      • 24
        Reconstruction of Nuclear Fragments at IP8
        Speaker: JiaJun Huang (
    • 25
      Closing Remarks Glen Mor Meeting Room

      Glen Mor Meeting Room

      University of California, Riverside

      400 W Big Springs Rd, Riverside, CA 92507
      Speaker: Miguel Arratia (University of California, Riverside)
    • 12:15 PM
      Lunch Glasgow Residential Restaurant

      Glasgow Residential Restaurant