ePIC Collaboration Council Meeting

Bernd Surrow (Temple University), Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

The meeting agenda and materials are available via: https://indico.bnl.gov/event/22407/

By consensus, the meeting was not recorded.

The minutes of the Collaboration Council meeting on January 12, 2024 were adopted by consensus and were added to the respective meeting indico page.

Zhangbu Xu represented Kent State University and presented the petition to join the collaboration and planned contributions. He was available for subsequent discussion. The consensus was to vote electronically on the admission(for/against/abstain).

The elected Chair-line of the Publication Committee presented the proposed Publication Committee composition, as posted. The consensus was to vote electronically on the endorsement (for/against/abstain) of the proposed committee composition as a whole.

The appointed Chair of the Election Committee gave an update, as posted. This was followed by the proposal to institute a yearly rotation of minority fraction of its membership and establish a Chair-line. The consensus was to vote electronically on the endorsement (for/against/abstain) of the new proposed 2024 committee composition as a whole.

The elected Chair-line of the Membership Committee presented an update, as posted.

The Council Chair updated the Council with summary statistics on recent voting rounds and engagement.

The closed session resulted in consensus to activate the Charter stipulations of Section 5.3 for systemic non-participation in Collaboration Council business. Specifically, Section 5.3 states:

    "Any CC member who missed three consecutive meetings, elections or CC major votes without assigning a replacement voting member or a voting proxy, will have their voting privileges suspended for one year, and will not be counted towards the required quorums in CC votes. The announcements of such suspensions should be made by the CC leadership to the CC mailing list."

It was agreed that reminders will continue to be sent. All counts of past (non-)participation were reset.

No other business was brought up and the meeting was adjourned.

Electronic voting was opened on March 5 for the agreed-on period of two weeks. A note was included on the above activation of the stipulations in Section 5.3. Voting was closed on March 19, 2024 with 139 valid votes. This satisfies the required quorum. The required super-majority was in favor of admission of Kent State University joining ePIC. The required majorities endorsed the proposed Publication and Election Committee compositions.

The Collaboration Council has thus admitted Kent State University.

The Collaboration Council has thus endorsed the Publication Committee and 2024 Election Committee.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Welcome, Agenda, and Minutes from previous meeting
      Speakers: Bernd Surrow (Temple University), Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
    • 2
      New institutions proposing to join ePIC
      Speakers: Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), John Lajoie (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
    • Presentations by Institutional Representatives
    • Updates on and from the Collaboration Council Committees
      • 4
        Publications Committee
        Speakers: Annalisa Mastroserio (Università degli Studi di Foggia and INFN), Rene Bellwied (University of Houston)
      • 5
        Elections Committee
        Speaker: John Arrington (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 6
        Proposed 2024 Elections Committee Composition
        Speakers: Bernd Surrow (Temple University), Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 7
        Membership Committee
        Speakers: Peter Steinberg (BNL), Peter Steinberg (BNL), Pietro Antonioli (INFN - sezione di Bologna), Pietro Antonioli (INFN - Bologna)
    • 8
      Updates on Membership and Voting
      Speaker: Ernst Sichtermann (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
    • 9
      Closed session
    • 10