11–14 Jun 2024
US/Eastern timezone


Cold QCD, Spin Physics, & UPCs from RHIC to the EIC - Bldg. 488, Berkner Hall Room B

11 Jun 2024, 13:00


Cold QCD, Spin Physics, & UPCs from RHIC to the EIC - Bldg. 488, Berkner Hall Room B

  • Sookhyun Lee (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
  • Jae Nam (Temple University)
  • Daniel Brandenburg (Ohio State University)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Xilin Liang (University of California, Riverside)
11/06/2024, 13:00
Devon Loomis (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
11/06/2024, 13:30
Genki Nukazuka (RIKEN BNL Research Center)
11/06/2024, 14:00
Haowu Duan (North Carolina State University)
11/06/2024, 15:00
Prithwish Tribedy (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
11/06/2024, 15:30
Ashik Ikbal Sheikh (Kent State University )
11/06/2024, 16:00
Jan Vanek (Brookhaven National Laboratory )
11/06/2024, 16:30
Yiyu Zhou (South China Normal University)
11/06/2024, 17:30
Building timetable...