Speaker: Mariano Vazquez, CTO / CSO, ELEM Biotech
Abstract: ELEM Biotech is a startup company of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, BSC. We develop Virtual Humans based on supercomputing and high-fidelity mutliscale / multiphysics modellization. Together with supercomputing power and accurate modellization, we develop mathematical tools to create populations of Virtual Humans representative of Real ones. The goal is to put in the hands of the biomedical stakeholders a tool for (a) run in-silico clinical trials and (b) personalize the virtual humans to a given real patient under a certain condition. Our tools allow to improve and optimize therapies. Today we are focus on cardiac and vascular diseases. In this talk we will discuss our latest achievements.
Speaker Bio: MV is co-founder and CTO/CSO of the ELEM Biotech (The Virtual Humans Factory), a spinoff company of the Spanish Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), founded with the goal of speeding-up the technology transfer of BSC modelling technology for he biomedical domain, in particular, the code Alya. He is also one of the two leaders of the Alya Development Team at the BSC, with more than 70 scientists and developers. Graduated in Physical Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1993, he completed his bachelor's thesis on Chaos in Dynamical Systems. Doctor in Physical Sciences from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain, in 1999, he completed his doctoral thesis in Computational Fluid Mechanics (on numerical schemes for stabilization of compressible flow equations for finite elements). He has carried out post-doctoral stays at the Pole Scientifique Univ. Paris VI / Dassault Aviation (in multigrid for compressible and incompressible turbulent flow, funded by a Marie-Curie scholarship from the EC) and at INRIA Sophia Antipolis (shape optimization using the adjoint method), both in France, for 3 years. He was a consultant for the company Gridsystems (grid computing) in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) and a lecturer at the University of Girona (Spain). Since 2012 he has been a senior scientist at the CSIC, on leave since July 2018, when he co-founded ELEM. In 2004, his scientific interests experienced the irresistible grasp of computational biomedicine until this day (and counting).