Electronics & DAQ WG: Timing protocols


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The overall goal is to develop the timing protocol for the ePIC Data Acquisition system towards the coming PDR and TDR.

William Gu presented on the proposed timing protocol and hardware implementation for synchronizing data between the GTU, DAM, and RDO. This generated discussion around several topics including:

- Clock synchronization and recovery: Methods for recovering clocks after resets using a pseudo clock scheme were discussed. Testing phase locking and stability over resets is an action item.
- Link specifications: The group debated specifications like data content, latency, and data rates for links between components. 
- Synchronization protocols: Options for heartbeat-style signals to coordinate data transfer between units were discussed.
- Overflow management: Challenges of designing backpressure mechanisms to handle buffer overflows across the distributed system were discussed.
- Whether to align timeframe with EIC beam orbit: Not aligning the time frame with orbit could help avoid biases in the off-line analysis, e.g. for pattern recognition correlation to bunch position/spin state.

It was agreed more focused work is needed to finalize the timing system specifications. Targeted WG meetings or a small group work-fest were proposed to finalize the design.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.