ePIC pfRICH General meeting


Summary: The meeting focused on the importance of weekly updates for accurate project tracking and discussed potential reliance on commercial vendors for mirror specifications. Concerns were voiced regarding the company's responsiveness in case of internal production failure. Matt presented measurement results from Brookhaven and outlined future measurement goals.

Key Points:

  • Alexander stressed the significance of weekly updates with progress slides to maintain accurate project status tracking. (11:09)
  • Beni emphasized meeting PED deliverables for mirror specifications and proposed considering commercial vendors if internal efforts are insufficient. (14:11)
  • Thomas expressed concerns about the company's ability to respond if internal mirror production fails, citing lead times, quality issues, and cost inflation. (20:19)
  • Beni sought clarification on measuring mirror reflectivity at BNL before installation. (29:44)
  • Alexander raised concerns about storing manufactured mirrors and emphasized the need for further discussion. (31:14)
  • Matt presented measurement results from Brookhaven, comparing them to Temple's measurements, with a focus on aerogel tiles. (42:17)
  • Matt outlined goals, including validating the transmission setup, adding an LED for measurements, and reconsidering methods for assessing the index of refraction. (52:32)
  • Alexander discussed finalizing geometry for TDR purposes and the limitation on tile size, stressing the need for volunteer assistance in transferring curves and exploring materials for simulation campaigns. (59:33)

Next Steps:

  • Sushrut to provide a detailed schedule with priorities and parallel tasks for the project by next week. (11:01)
  • Alexander to update the schedule with missing lines or columns to understand the duration and end date of refurbishing Stony Brook equipment by next week. (28:36)
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Stony Brook vessel & mirror PED work update
      Speakers: Alex Eslinger (employee@jlab.org;member@jlab.org), Charles-Joseph Naïm (Stony Brook University (CFNS)), Wenliang Li (Stony Brook University CFNS)
    • 2
      Purdue vessel & mirror PED work update
      Speakers: Alex Eslinger (employee@jlab.org;member@jlab.org), Andreas Werner Jung (member@cern.ch), Sushrut Karmarkar (Purdue University (USA))
    • 3
      Status of aerogel evaluation for pfRICH
      Speaker: Matt Posik (Temple University)
    • 4